Discussion: Here Are The Best Lines Froms ABC's GOP Debate

Discussion for article #245666

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As Josh Marshall said in his reaction to the debate, “Butt on Trump and Rubio.”


As the debate drew to a close, Trump managed to ding Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) one last time for his campaign’s tactics on the night of the Iowa caucuses, when the campaign circulated news that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race.

Ms. Krueger, overall a very good rundown. However, Sen. Ted Cruz was circulating a lie about Ben Carson – not news. Thank you.


I know this Trump phenomenon is new, and I know the mainstream media tend to get mesmerized and aren’t that resourceful, and I know most normal people have long been appalled by the very idea of a buffoon like Trump presuming to offer himself as President. But I’m still amazed that we don’t have some mechanism, some societal antibody, to dismiss a person who repeatedly says what he thinks are charmingly naughty things and then says “but we won’t say that,” “but I said I wouldn’t say that,” all this simpering, smirking, nauseatingly self-satisfied stupidity. What kind of society do we have where we have to just roll our eyes and put up with this childish bullshit?


Dear GOP, please enjoy the front-runners you have worked so hard to run for office. You brought this upon yourselves.


Kasich: there’s going to be so much happening in the first 100 days, it’s going to make your head spin.

Wouldn’t a barf bag be a better investment than a seat belt?


The total lack of knowledge, by the Repub candidates, about how the government works is disgusting. In the first 100 days Kasich will get nothing at all done, unless he gets a GOP congress, with too few tea partiers to stop bills from being voted on. Even then, the simplest bills will take at least 100 days just to get through the committees, let alone being passed. And, if anything, the tea party will have even more members of congress, since it it the lunatic vote that would get a GOP president in office. We have already seen how well that works.



But Bush soldiered on, saying Trump tried to seize the woman’s property for a “limousine parking lot for his casinos.”

What puzzles me about this line of attack is: Why does Bush think today’s Republicans would have a problem with that? They would probably think of the old lady as a special interest getting in the way of commerce and the Randian ubermensch.


Donald Trump:

… I think everybody on this stage would have to agree, you’re not going to let people die, sitting in the middle of a street in any city in this country.

… Unless they’re dying on 5th Avenue because I shot them to prove my base would still support me.


Thinking adults, whatever their political ideology is, should have no hesitation to vote Democratic. They may not necessarily get what they want policy-wise, but they will be guaranteed sanity and a human in the WH.


Patience, patience.


Don’t they want to do the same thing to make way for a pipeline?


Christie: I am the fuckin’ man, okay. and…I will fuck you up if you tread on my fuckin’ catholic values where I can tread on you.
Kasich: Buy a fuckin’ seatbelt because we are gonna rip you asunder and there is nothin’ I can do about it.
Trump: I will fuck you up if we can’t get the right answer. and… we will shoot you in the street if you have the balls to even think of dying there. Ted Cruz is the scum of the earth, believe me, I know.
Bush: I’ve been having lunch with a lot of old ladies.
Rubio: Let me present my contradictory compromise.


Thank you. This is so tiresome.


Sounds like the occupants of the Clown Car are getting tired of each other’s company. Maybe that’s because only Carson has changed his clothes since the tour began. This is going to get really ugly when a couple more drop out. I’m still betting there could easily be a brokered convention…and then the streets will really run with blood.


Trump’s tendency is also to say “I think I’m a good person” and this is loaded. A good person would never think ill of an opponent, ergo his criticism is factual and sound.


Right. Thinking something does not make it so, number one.


But she may be onto something – a lie repeated by the media’s reporting the statement of the lie is transformed into news. The whole process is the equivalent of money-laundering.


Hmmm … news laundering. Hey, isn’t that what FOX Entertainment does everyday?

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What I wonder is, why will we have to go out and buy a seat belt? He’s going to specifically get rid of the regulation that requires them?