Discussion: Health Insurer Trade Group Comes Out Against Graham-Cassidy Repeal Bill

Trump: It doesnt matter. I made a promise and I ALWAYS keep my promise. Our health care will never be BLACK.


But the GOP will lose $400 million in Koch money if they don’t pass this.

Gee, wonder which will win out, coverage for people or their money-masters?



And in related hilarity…

Eternal Dumbass Republican Senator Bill Cassidy (Jagoff - Louisiana) and Eternal Motherfucker-Of-Them-All Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (Closet Case - South Carolina) have decided to take on Jimmy Kimmel over his criticism of their “healthcare bill”. Yes, this is going to work out quite well for them:


Graham is the smarmiest and one of the most unlikeable people in the Senate (besides the fact that he is a congenital liar), and Cassidy can barely put two words together without looking like a sad imitation of an Adam Sandler character, but they are going to take on Kimmel, who has a very personal stake in this healthcare debate because of his sick child.
Graham and Cassidy are telling Kimmel to call them before he criticizes their plan again. And I am sure Jimmy Kimmel is going to call them the lying motherfuckers that they are, although in much more civilized and witty terms than I can express.


Where is Sen. Graham, and what has Otis Campbell done with him?

And – even more importantly – why does Sen. Cassidy think he looks so dreamy?


Cassidy is probably wondering if he can get a Handy-J in the cloakroom from Lindsey like McCain does.

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If you want to get the gop attention then stop giving them money

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“We believe that legislative proposals that would reform and affect the coverage and care of millions of Americans should meet certain principles,”

Principles and Republicans–oil and water.


There are so many reasons this is terrible legislation. Here’s some more that haven’t been discussed. Large corporations having to deal with multiple states regulations to supply health insurance to their employees. Increased costs with no benefits.

What is the effect of people’s mobility to move for jobs. May have adequate needs met in one state but can’t move because the new state doesn’t cover them? Generous states having to put restrictions on new residences.

We need national markets serviced by national companies.


It’s the part where Cassidy responded to being called a liar by just flat out lying even harder that’s kind of amazing.


so who exactly is FOR this monstrosity of a bill (other than the Republican politicians who want to keep their corporate benefactors happy)?


“While we cannot support this proposal, we will keep working to find the right solutions that reflect the commitment we all share: continued insurance corporation profits at the expense of every American.”

There. Fixed it…

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But, per Lindsey, SOCIALISM!!!

Jeebus WTF!?!?

When the hell did that get into the conversation?

I really, really, really, don’t like Republicans.

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TRANSLATION: “We won’t get our money! You said we’d make LOTS of money!”


I’ve always found that a defining characteristic of Republican elected officials.


And just like that, a thing I had found mysterious becomes clear. I was baffled by the political over-the-top and into the machine gun charge stupidity of making yet another last-gasp effort to fuck 25 million people out of health insurance and then fucking them again by taking away the only two deductions that really matter to the middle class to pay for tax cuts for corporations.

But now it’s clear. They’re between a rock and a hard place. If they don’t get this done, they get no oligarch money and they lose. (A threat that makes about as much sense as the Democrats who think not voting is a legitimate way of showing disapproval, but there it is.) If they do do it, they infuriate a lot of voters, but at least have a river of oligarch money and astroturfing to try to convince the rubes that they raised their chocolate ration from thirty to twenty grams a week and, anyway, it’s Obama’s fault.

It’s sickening pure pathological cynical degeneracy, but now I can see at least see a rational calculation at work. It’s morally worse than them simply being purely crazy, but it’s comprehensible.


In short - those answers from the GOP senators were an incoherent mess.


As usual.


Lyndsey gets free medical care from his military service. It makes no difference if that medical care has anything to do with his work in the JAG Corps. The American people pay for his hemaroids (in more ways than one), That’s socialism.