Discussion for article #244392
But as far as Christians think, it’s alright cause he’s one of THEM.
What is it about Christianity that drives its most devout followers to commit such heinous acts? We should take a more careful look at these cultists, and perhaps keep them out of the country.
Get ready for the Huckabee Two-Step:
A) Proclaim your steadfast friendship and support for Gothard
B) Deny you ever had anything to do with him in any way, and it’s Obama’s fault anyhow.
Maybe it’s time to ban christians from entering the country until our representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
Sure…there’s a direct line from Rev Wright to Rev Gothard. Plain as day.
A far better question is: what is it about humanity that drives some to commit the most heinous acts? The truth is that you can find sexual predators in every religion and even among nonbelievers. Some choose to use the cover of religion while others choose teaching or law enforcement as a means to abuse others. It’s about sexual gratification from power and control, and predators will use any vulnerability, any means necessary to attain it.
I’ve often wondered if it is a coping mechanism.
As in - one does something heinous that they know is wrong , but get pleasure out of doing.
To relieve the pressure of living with that contradiction they turn militantly moral and point out how bad everyone else is.
“Never in my life have I touched a girl sexually. I’m shocked to even hear that.” Gothard said. Then he added, “I actually raped them with patriarchal authority.”
It’s the Patriarchy.
Or they invent their own religion, and include provisions that make what they like doing perfectly acceptable.
I’ve always thought that Joseph Smith fell into that category. By all reports, he had an eye for the ladies, and was fairly successful in his pursuit of them. But having sex outside marriage was taboo at the time. So, when cobbling together his own religion, he included polygamy as something not only acceptable, but downright sacred. That way, he could be a hound, but maintain that he was simply following God’s will.
absolute submission to patriarchal authority
Or he won’t got hard…
(Unfortunate surname.)
Perfect surname.
But that doesn’t explain the rash of female teachers who’ve been abusing students.
I’m not sure what people expect of a patriarchy, and a movement based on patriarchy, except for this very thing.
It’s not just Christianity, of course. The Zen Buddhist master Joshu Sasaki Roshi raped and molested some of his female followers.
absolute submission to patriarchal authority
Does this mean he’s exclusively a top?
I dunno… maybe it’s just me but he’s 81 and never been married? he sorta has that creepy uncle look like that eHarmony doofus…
the commercial where he’s talking to his ‘granddaughter’… I keep waiting for him to tell her to get in his lap so they can do that ‘special’ thing…
Never in my life have I touched a girl sexually.
He uses vinyl gloves (years of freak behavior left him with a latex allergy).
Cain’t do it, I tried to imagine being tied to a Dugger, even one of the female variety, but just cannot.