Orrin, just retire.
You aren’t fooling anyone, it’s plain to see that you have dementia, so just go home and enjoy your family while you still know who they are.
Yeah, like he wrote that statement himself. 100% agree with @tena - he’s worse than Reagan during his final years in office.
Do we need an age cap on congress critters? It may be worth considering. After all, I doubt the revered founding fathers envisioned people serving into their late 80s or 90s.
I think it was after the passage of the tax “reform” that the gop senators trotted up to the WH - and before the press sang “Trump is the Greatest President of them All” songs. Hatch’s was among the most obsequious. That’s when I started suspecting he was more than losing his grasp.
I’ve never been a Hatch fan. But he never looked so pwned and weak as in that moment. He hasn’t looked a whole lot better since then.
“All I can say is he’s doing a good job as president.”
Nurturing your legacy makes being yourself very difficult.
I miss Toonces the Driving Cat - that’s perfect.
@spencersmom - for at least 2 years I’ve watched him in Congress look utterly lost until one of his aides comes out and whispers in his ear, tells him who and where he is and what to say and he repeats it word for word. It’s past time and maybe we do need age limits. This is ridiculous.
“All I can say is he’s doing a good job as president,” he told CNN at the time.
Orrin, your egregious comment was that Trump is doing a great job. We all know you could care less about crimes committed by Rs.
OK now how about Trumps sexual escapades, since Clinton’s lie about a blow job gave you an apocalyptic fit? If memory serves yours were some of the most vocal denunciations of Bill - only after Graham’s and Lieberman’s?
(Does Lieberman still exist?)
got me curious.
in the 1790s life expectancy in America was about 36 years
Orin, wrap yourself in your special underwear, find a hole in the ground and bury yourself, you already have one foot in the grave, you miserable old Kochsucker…
More proof you need to quit working before you hit 75. Please note certain Democratic candidates.
Somebody got a call from Bob.
I guess it is good to know even arrogant old dickheads like Moron Hatch are not immune to wall-to-wall coverage of rank hypocrisy,
A fascinating development. Hatch is a lackey tool for the Republican Party and is heading for the exits besides. Why’s he delivering the message of Mueller support now? (emphasis on “delivered” - I agree with Tena that Mr. Phantom Glasses didn’t come up with this himself)
Hmmmm. Maybe I’ll get one of the dachshunds to try that.
Honestly, I think they did. It’s just that in those days, people that old were somewhat rarer. Ben Franklin was very frail and sleepy at the Constitutional Convention. He didn’t say much. Especially by Ben Franklin standards (though he was always one to sit and listen rather than talk, take in everything that was being said and then say something that sounded wise because he’d been listening). But when he did speak, people listened closely.
Like, e.g., “a Republic, if you can keep it.”
Hatch is dotty as hell!
Yet again, you come up with the perfect comment, @Irasdad