Now THAT’S doggone Uppity!!!’’ I like that.
I have not seen the interview.
Not her fault if she answered the question she was asked but was there no follow-up question?
What would make her a better president than Biden (or any other candidate)?
And, on the other hand, there’s the CBC:
Harris responded to what several Democrats, including the Congressional Black Caucus, are calling the “dream ticket”: Biden for president with Harris as his vice president.
Yawn. What’s she supposed to do, concede the race before it’s even really begun and give this idea a full green light? Of course she’s going to keep running for POTUS. That’s the whole fucking point of running right now. Let’s see how the primaries shake out first. Jesus.
This is some real Zombie Fourth Estate shit. DO these assholes even think about the questions they’re asking before they ask them?
All that being said…I’ll fully admit to having explicitly stated that Biden/Harris would be a dream ticket…but come the fuck on with expecting there is any chance in hell she’d endorse that NOW, this early.
That’s part of the uppity part…and don’t let me get started on Latino machismo!!
Remember, she was asked to comment on something the Congressional Black Caucus had (apparently) said.
Me too…if for no other reason than Biden has better name recognition. I am a better trumpet player than Herb Alpert…
I wrote a book about it …
I hear you bro’.
True, which makes me ALSO question why the CBC is thinking, saying something like that at this stage. Sigh…
Good. Biden needs to be cut down to size a bit
I’m not Harris’s biggest fan, but I sure do appreciate this answer & I’d take her over Biden in a heartbeat.
Hmm… I guess she’s a lot more than a “mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and [ ] nice-looking.”
In my view, the CBC should have more things (besides this) on their collective mind than in any other period in its history.
Agreed, but I love how she handled it. It’s one thing for us to ponder a Biden/Harris ticket, but it’s pretty fucking rude to ask her about it no matter who came up with the idea. Again, though, she handled it beautifully.
It wasn’t an official statement from the caucus. Politico (I think) interviewed a number of members, none of whom endorsed Biden outright (as far as I know); but there were enough friendly statements about him that reporters felt empowered to frame things the way they did.
Bear in mind that both Harris and Booker are members of the CBC. If you think Harris might be upset about the article, imagine how Booker feels!
If Biden is asked about her comment, he’ll fumble the response.
The media can’t help their addiction to pasty old white guys
Love her answer! Now the media can ask white guys whether they’re running to be VP.