Discussion: Harris Throws Shade At Biden 'Dream Ticket': 'He'd Be A Great Running Mate'

Absolutely. Turnabout was pretty much the perfect answer at this stage of the game.


All that being said…I’ll fully admit to having explicitly stated that Biden/Harris would be a dream ticket.

my dream ticket would be Warren/Harris – but have Biden marry Warren’s daughter

That way, Biden could be Warren’s Jared, and she could assigned him to take over whatever task Warren doesn’t really care about, but wants to appear to care about very much.


Yes, she handled it not only beautifully but in the only way that makes any sense for someone in her position – and that’s quite apart from the question of whether Biden would, in fact, make a good running-mate or vice president.

But given the Politico article and how her fellow CBC members are quoted in it, I don’t agree that it was rude to ask her the question.

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Here’s the article from Politico. It sounds like they asked a handful of members of the 55 member CBC what they thought of a Biden/Harris ticket and they were split with many saying “Biden/Harris or Harris/Biden.” This wasn’t some official poll of the CBC. It was literally one member of the CBC who called it a “dream ticket.”


She’s got a style about her that so far to my eye seems to blend humor, charm and an ever-present deadly serious toughness, and the more we see of her the more we may start to call it charisma. You can’t assemble a team for that, you can’t practice it in front of a mirror, it takes a lifetime of being a certain kind of person. She’s not the only one, but it’s a priceless quality if she does have it.


Good answer. She hasn’t conceded anything.


Old Hat…that’s what this will be in some future date. In the meantime we gotta Impeach Caligula…

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I think the very popular and well-loved Mrs. Biden might have something to say about that.


Great Post.


Well, I think she’s a great candidate. :blush:


Even if Trump drops the big one on Tehran this afternoon, I know what Chuck Todd will be leading with tonight.


Good for her. I think Stacey Abrams said something similar when asked if she would enter the race as a shot at being picked for VP. She said something like (paraphrasing) “You don’t enter a Presidential primary aiming to be the VP.”

I know there’s some enthusiasm out there for a Biden/Harris or Biden/Abrams ticket, but it seems to me that this would look like desperate pandering for votes that you can’t pick up otherwise. If Biden’s the nominee he probably won’t have that problem picking up minority votes. But I still hope he’s blown out of the race early, and someone like Harris or Warren gets to make the “balancing” choice for a VP.


This is BS.
This is news.



What would make her a better president than Biden (or any other candidate)?
She’s a lot younger and mentally sharper than he is.


This is the “dream ticket” comment below. Even the ONE member of the CBC who made the comment did so under the contingency that she’s not the nominee. Most made that point that they’d be happy with the combo with either of them at the top of the ticket. It’s really disingenuous of Tiger Beat on the Potomac to try to make this out to be some kind of split within the CBC in which they’re casting Harris to the Veep position and promoting Biden to the presidential nominee. That’s not even what’s going on here. Not even a little bit.

“That would be a dream ticket for me, a dream ticket!” said Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.). “If she is not the nominee, that would be a dream ticket for this country.”


Well, I might agree with you – but what I meant is that I wanted to hear her response, and I’m thinking she would have to find a different way to word it!

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Why would putting a capable black woman on the ticket look like desperate pandering? That makes no sense.


I’d rather that she tell folks why she’d be a good President. This stuff isn’t necessarily coming from Biden. A lot of black caucus folks are floating it to make peace with the fact that they’re gonna support Biden over a highly qualified black woman.


Well, she’s got the silly question. So…

Not one to settle for VP at this stage eirher.