Discussion: Harris Launches Presidential Campaign With A Reminder: 'We Are Better Than This'


She asserted later: “We have foreign powers infecting the White House like malware.”

“Let’s speak truth about what are clear and present dangers,” the senator added

…And she goes there. I love it. There’s no need to wait on Mueller to finish his investigation; the known evidence is already quite clear and the American people understand we have a likely Russian agent in the White House. Which is why today would be a great day to initiate impeachment proceedings.


Don’t use Kaspersky Anti-Virus to remove it.

Just sayin’…


“We have foreign powers infecting the White House like malware.”

“Let’s speak truth about what are clear and present dangers,” the senator added


Sen. Kamala Harris of California, who officially said she is running for president in an announcement on Good Morning America on Monday, has the potential to be among the strongest contenders in the 2020 Democratic field. There may be no other candidate who better embodies how the modern Democratic Party has changed over the last few decades in identity and ideology.


We are so so so so much better than this.

(This being the GOP and their Clown-in-Tweet)



There’s no need to wait on Mueller to finish his investigation



And I respectfully disagree - we get one shot at this, so we need to make it count. It’s definitely time to launch a bevy of House investigations, let’s drown them in subpoenas and get some more on record for perjury, as well as some of those sealed indictments out into the fresh air, then we can hit the big “I” button.

“But the Republicans won’t appoint anyone to the committees!” I hear you cry. Sure, and NDP will have their gnads for that and if she has to, she’ll change the rules and get it going, but cut her some slack - she had a couple of other things on the ToDo list last week (and boy, didn’t that turn out okay! :joy:)

So, just a little more patience, grasshopper. Nancy’s got this covered.


In case anybody wants a look and didn’t catch coverage elsewhere. She comes in herself at about 1:05:41. Good presence.


“We have foreign powers infecting the White House like malware.”

Damn, that’s the way to start.


Since I live in SF, I know Kamala well. Super smart, willing to play nasty when need be, also able to understand business in the way needed to appeal to the center in an election. She is a “Willie Brown” democratic in every way.

I think she is vastly preferable, and has less baggage than either Warren or Bernie, and hope she can push them down/out. I do think some of the progressive positions she has taken recently (e.g. single payer Medicaid, and a tax raise of $3T) will hurt her if she is the nomination, and will certainly cause moderate republicans to consider voting for republicans as a “check” on her, even if they vote for her over Trump.

I do question her focus on a renters credit vs. say the cost/quality of education/college. I don’t think it is an issue that will have the same appeal.


Impeachment proceedings take months to gather evidence, bring witnesses forward, and to investigate the numerous violations of the oath of office. All of that has to occur in the House before, in a best case scenario, it goes to the Senate. To my mind, there’s enough credible evidence already to carry forward with the investigation. Meanwhile, each day we wait, further damage is done to the country. Just today, Treasury announces this.

I agree we have one chance to get it right. But it’s not as if the vote is going to be tomorrow. It’s really time to move the country forward and put Trump on notice and to inform the American public what exactly happened in the 2016 election -which is not Mueller’s charge.


I want to hear from them all. I will admit not Biden and Sanders particularly, not Clinton either, and 100x no not Bloomberg and Shultz. But what the hell. They all have the right to speak – and run.


And unlike Warren or Bernie we are guaranteed that her Senate seat would be filled by another Democratic Senator. Mass. is very unsafe as is Minnesota and even Vermont if Sanders is not on the ballot. All Dem Senators need to stay in the senate and we need to flip four more seats so that President Kamala Harris can have a shot at enacting her progressive agenda and appointing truly fair and balanced judges.


I would like to hear from Shultz or Bloomberg, if they run as democrats. I am not likely to support either, but interested in hearing what they have to say. But if either (talking to you Shultz) runs as a third party, my eyes and ears are dead to them.




Come on, I bet they could offer you a great deal on a corporate plan.

(The Kaspersky issue is one I argued with a corp type over. They did it anyway.)


Too early. Represent your state in the Senate.

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Too early. Represent your state in the Senate.

A senate seat BTW she was spoon-fed.

They said that about a certain Senator from Illinois not very long ago.