Discussion: Harney County Where Oregon Standoff Rages Is Most Government Dependent In State

Discussion for article #244818

I’m sure we are all shocked, just shocked, to read this…


I’m pretty sure that Harney county residents would rather return to a timber based economy than remain so dependent on the federal government.

I’m not a fan of the Bundys and this illegal takeover but please, let’s not reduce the citizens there to being “takers”. It’s a bit more complicated as the Times article points out.

Nice article by the NYT by the way. It speaks to a good deal of America, not just Harney county. Oregon’s government is pretty actively exploring ways to make higher wage, non-government jobs available by expanding broadband internet access and other gateways to rural counties. Not everyone wants to live in the Portland Metro area.


this should surprise no one here as we are aware the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance are very strong with the TGOP.

It is just like all of the Red States that take far more from the Federal government than they put in complaining about Welfare, Makers/Takers etc.

Or just like the 1%ers complaining about the “free stuff” low wage people get that cost the country less than their capital gains tax advantages Rob from the economy…


Then I feel even less sorry for these folks. They should deal with these with these astroturfers on their own. The fact that some are sympathetic to these walking asswipes makes me even less inclined to worry about them. After all, they’re within the same state that rushed out to curse Obama when he dared to visit the families of the mass shooting up there. And that town was also described as “conservative” and “fiercely indepedent.”

My ass.


our state did no such f’ing thing.


Voting against your own interests seems to be part of the right-wing DNA. Sadly that DNA seems to reside in the shallow end of the gene pool.


Well, the standoff is hardly “raging”… it’s more like one side has their drawers in a wad and the other side is idly watching them complain about it.


However the Militant Constitutional Scholars delusions and mendacity are…

I wonder if the feds are ever going to take off the gloves and deal with these felons as proscribed under the law.


I rather have them dependent of the Government that destroying the environment.

If the timber industry collapsed was because they already cut all the trees that can be cut without permanently damaging the ecosystem. If left to themselves they will turn the place in a desert in and in a few years they will be in the same situation, but humanity will be worse off.

So sorry guys you will have to move to the cities and get real jobs or hop that tourism picks up in your are and become waiters and shop keepers.



Does anyone wonder why people in rural America don’t trust progressives or just outright hate us?



Some people make asses out of themselves and others just stand right up in front of Jeebus and everyone and show their ass.
The Brain Challenged Bundy Boobs are proudly displaying their ignorance and childlike obstinance. These whiners don’t practice what they preach, they just preach.

If they ever achieved their goal of getting the Federal Government out of their lives, they would collapse under the weight of their own stupidity. At this point, their hated enemy, the Fed, subsidizes them and their silly standoff.
They aren’t rugged individuals, they are phony vessels filled with false bravado making fools out of themselves before the world and all for nothing.

As militancy goes, they would have done more good marching to save the Gay fat whales for Jesus.


Of course the “you didn’t build that!” crowd is the most government dependent group. We learned that during Mitt’s run. These people and their cognitive dissonance with respect to what they take from the government versus what they claim they want their government to do, is simply amazing.


I imagine not everyone can live in the Portland Metro area. It costs money to live in the city. Anywhere.

@Sooner You sure about that? http://t.monroenews.com/news/2015/oct/10/strong-emotions-as-obama-visits-grieving-oregon/?templates=tablet

Besides, I said “they’re within the same state”. Didn’t say the state of Oregon as a whole.

Exactly. A huge thing that’s driving the resentment is that people are aware of how dependent they are on the government, and they don’t want to be. The more radical ones claim that the government is imposing its land use restrictions to force government dependence so they’ll lose their political independence. It’s more or less the same thing they claim is happening when government programs keep poor blacks “on the plantation”: creating a culture of economic and hence political dependence.


My modest understanding of English structure, style and usage (grammar) begs to differ.

After all, they’re within the same state that rushed out to curse Obama when he dared to visit the families of the mass shooting up there.

You’re implying that the state of Oregon disrespected Obama whether you intended to or not. A few n00bs in Roseburg are in no way representative of the entire state of Oregon.

Yes, I’m absolutely certain of it.


It’s pretty amazing what one can do with selective, out of context, limited quotes. “After all, they’re within the same state…” No one said, as you implied, that your state did that. Nor did they imply that it was a common characteristic of your state. Your straw man inference that it was anything more than a subset is in error.

I agree with you. They’re stuck in the boonies and there is nothing to do there except live off the land in some way – and the government thwarts them. There is good reason for the government to protect the land, but these people see their fight as one for survival for their way of life. I’ve laughed along with the crowd here at their feckless antics – but then empathy – these are actually human beings in profound frustration. Their communities are dying, and the right wing merely exploits their rage. Democrats need to come up with some workable solutions to help these folks transform from a land based economy to something more sustainable and personally life fulfilling – who really would prefer to live the life as a prison guard over working the range? I don’t have the answers, but I am pretty damned done with laughing these people off. I had the same feeling when watching the Trump crowd – its a real challenge. I do not directly relate to their misery and misdirection of hatred, but I have the capacity as a fellow human being to try and understand it and to be motivated to try to help. The policies and messaging of democrats has to step up to deal with the situation — not just tamp it down.


It’s really annoying and aggravating to see these losers carrying American flags. If you respect the flag that much, you would respect the laws of the country it stands for.