Discussion: Haley: Trump Will 'Do More' In Syria 'If He Needs To'

We will have our hands full,with our upcoming war with North Korea. And our continued presence in Syria and Iraq. And Yemen? Oh, and Iran. And I guess Russia since a couple of these are client states.


If he needs to. Madame ambassador, can you give us a rough number–at what Approve/Disapprove poll number will further action be required? Or can we just use the raw Job Approval number? I want to plan when to head for the shelter. At my age it’s painful to duck and cover. TIA-


If he needs to…distract the cable networks from forthcoming proof that his flunkies and relations conspired with a foreign power to influence an election. Man, Syria is in real trouble when the hard evidence starts leaking out.


I don’t disagree with Haley’s message, but I don’t have any confidence that this is “the” message of the administration, especially after T-Rex-Alzheimer’s series of remarks.


“Trump”, “He”. not the United States – “Only he can fix it”.


Here we go again… how many times have we been on this treadmill?

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana


Trump Will ‘Do More’ In Syria 'If He Needs To’
Sure he will
Bring me that " football"


I pray for my children and grandchildren… in truth for humanity itself!


Story filed 7:38 ET. I’m still alive–just checking in…

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“If he needs to do more, he will do more,” Haley said. “So really now what happens depends on how everyone responds to what happened in Syria and make sure we start moving toward a political solution and we start finding peace in that area.”

I love the smell of word salad in the morning.

Poor Nikki. Less than 100 days in and she knows everyone at the UN laughs behind her back.


Another loathsome, incompetent idiot.

Take note, hunny*: nothing your loathsome, incompetent idiot boss does will be enough to deflate the FBI investigation.


And as long as the Syrian refugee ban remains in place, this is all pathetic posturing.

*Is it okay if I call you “hunny”? I mean, you do work for a pussy-grabbing, move-on-em-like-a-bitch kinda guy, so you really can’t be offended by “hunny” or even “dearie,” seeing as you are okay with the aforementioned pussy grabbing.



You have to start considering the strategic ramifications of this strike, since the press is steadfastly refusing to do so.

We have troops in Syria…and are shipping more troops there. How many is guesswork, since this Administration has now refused to give out troop counts being deployed. But its probably considerable and will grow to even more considerable levels. Because as part of the war on ISIS, we are now moving into Syrian territory.

Any offense we are/were planning on making with our various allies, have now how the air cover portions of such planned hampered, since Russia is 86ing the agreement to prevent mid-air conflicts.

But perhaps more importantly, this strike does mean we are now in an active state of hostilities with the Syrian government. And that makes fighting any offensive on their lands very problematic. Amplify that by the inclusion of Iraqi forces on our side and the inclusion of Russian…and more importantly…Iranian forces on their side. Layer on a level of religious animosity on top of the sovereign/nationality issues and will…you can see how things can get VERY complicated, very fast. With us sitting in the middle, with no clear strategy.


Russia is pushing Iran to get hezbollah involved.

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It seems odd, but Trump’s craziness and erratic behavior may actually benefit our foreign policy to the extent that the leaders of these nations can never be sure that he won’t attack them at his whim.

If you see a guy on the street dressed up in a rubber duck suit waving a machete, carrying an ak 47 and repeatedly screaming "prepare to meet thy doom " amidst a stream of gibberish, even “bad guys” would be likely to give such a person a wide birth.

The down side is that such a one might tend to be socially isolated. But you never know.


Not at all being facetious, I wouldn’t stay in any foreign property with the Trump name at this point in time.


…and the tail continues to wag the dog.

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Hey, the old Nixon/Kissinger “Madman theory”. It’s always had some merit to it.

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