Who ya gonna believe?
The former reality TV show host and known con man?
Trump’s Lying When
There’s a macro for that.
“That’s a lie”
Praise be, sister Maggie has come home. She is redeemed!
If anybody has learned anything about anybody in this White House, it’s that you keep the receipts.
Oh, oh. NYT called Trump on a lie. Now they’re going to have to do 157 anti-clinton stories and 453 pro-nazi interviews to redeem themselves.
Trump is relying on alternative facts.
Large teams of NYT reporters are heading out to midwestern diners as we speak.
Trump’s telling the truth. He said that nobody “called” for verification. Haberman says they sent “e-mails”…
So, NO COLLUSION! Totally True! Fake News!
But she still loves him. With all her heart.
He’s a lying motherf*cker. Is that news?
She’ll get over it.
OT but had to share: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/2/20/1836059/-Somebody-s-been-forging-Nobel-Peace-Prize-nominations-for-Donald-Trump-No-really
Yep, the river Styx is starting to freeze up about now.
Trump, like every malignant narcissist, wields this particular cognitive weapon like an anvil. Discrediting the messenger is tricky business, and it’s yet another skill in which he is both incompetent and ineffectual, if (in miniature) ham-handed. And also feckless and craven. There, that just about covers it.
If it’s legal, they should tape the calls.
Maggie Haberman used the word "lie’? Bring me my fainting couch!
Uh oh, if you’ve lost Maggie…I just don’t know WHAT the world is coming to!
BRB… shall I bring your pearls and smelling salts as well?
Welcome to the club of Trump skeptics, Ms Haberman. Finally.