No, not really. He is more like Bobby Jindal, Tom Cotton or Marco Rubio, or on the Dem side, John Edwards – someone who thinks that all you need to be president is the perfect biography. The whole often ends up being a lot less than the sum of the parts would lead you to expect.
Just found it, seems very effective. We underestimate the senator, as we do, I think, most of the female senators. With few exceptions they stay below the radar. I’m very hopeful about her prospects.
Very good. You see it clearly, which can only be done if you step back and look at the parts which make up the sum, which in PP’s case are all hollow.
I wonder who that might be-
Could it be…Satan?!?
firing off defensive tweets and huddling with his defense lawyers, the more it will split their party and demoralize Republican voters, dooming the party’s chances in the November midterms.
… wait, wait, this seems really familiar. Give me a minute, it will come to me…
Look: I don’t understand why Greitens is bringing down the Missouri GOP.
Republicans should be proud that everyone in their party is above reproach. I can’t recall a single sex scandal, money scandal or any other scandal of any sort involving a Republican politician for decades.
It’s really unfair that one lonely bad apple can besmirch this sparkling bunch.
OT, but…
Now think this through with me. What does this argument tell us? It tells us they have nothing but the cultural resentment card with respect to the memos. They didn’t get what they hoped. This is their Plan B argument. It has LONG been public knowledge that Comey only took notes on Trump and nobody else. He admitted this publicly and provided a clear explanation for that. I think it might have even been during his congressional testimony, no? Why would they need the memos themselves and wait until they obtained them to make this argument? Why woudl they need the memos and their substance before making an argument that’s been availab;e to them all along based on information they already knew? Because they have nothing else. What’s more, the memos are fucking damning, both because they are corroborative of Comey’s credibility and version of events AND because they reveal new shit that damages Trump. They’re desperate for a distraction and all they have, yet again, is “we’re the REAL victims here.”
Love the Scenario. Good copy. Today’s TPM is a veritable cornucopia of schadenfreude. Get the famotidine. My cup runneth over.
Actually Ehrlichman said that in reference to L. Patrick Gray, who wanted administration support because his nomination to be FBI director was stalled.
I am hopeful, but… I remember talking to a man why he was not going to vote for McCaskill. He told me because her husband had not correctly paid his personal property tax bill correctly. I asked would his wife know if you did not pay your personal property tax correctly, and is she responsible for his actions. He said his wife wasn’t but McCaskill was. How do you argue with that stupidity? That is the level of “hate” for McCaskill, they will attach anything to her, while Hawley is a wonderful person with no history that would show that he would not be a great Senator. .I want McCaskill to win, but i will be very surprised is she did. Remember, she only won last time because of a rape statement, now it is related to a actual rape with the candidate a past supporter of the rapist, however. it is a long shot.
Evangelicals “look the other way”. It’s part of the Greitens and Trump secret to political resilience. Of course, you can only look the other way to a point, at some point it’s pretty clear you knew.
Hang in there, Eric! You can be a great help by not resigning.
“If the governor is removed quickly,"
That ship has sailed. This is the Republican party in all their glory. They support felons, child molesters, fraudsters of all kinds and the groper/traitor in chief is the cherry on top. Republicans are reaping what they have sown. Enjoy that bitter taste, GOP, you brewed it and let it mature.
I am starting to entertain the idea that Trump might resign. Cohen is going to destroy him, with or without flipping. Cohen opens the door on Ivanka and the boys. Mueller is getting closer all the time and Trump is an old 71 running out of steam. No one knows better than he does what charges can be brought against him. Once the threat from this case is shown to be more damaging than whatever Putin has on him, Trump will bail. Maybe.
I’m not sure if any man is eager to support a woman candidate for anything, but to base his dislike for her on a property tax only mean, to me, he doesn’t want to unleash the misogynist pig which rests within. But I do believe if McCaskill was savvy enough to use Akin as a tool in her ads, she can do the same thing again. We can’t believe she’s not capable of it. A lot of victories are based on having had hope.
I just read in St. Louis Post “Alleged predator escapes big headlines amid lurid climate” It states that a legislative aide and Republican consultant was arrested for attempting to entice a 14-year old for sex. He tried to exchange nude photos and for them to meet on April 10 or 11. I hope there is a tipping point, but I just don’t know if these will hurt Hawley.
Go Go Greitens!
The Missouri GOP was dragged down long before Greitens appeared on the scene.
Rape isn’t technically rape if you’re Republican. That’s, at least, what I’ve come to understand based on recent events. Hopefully, he technically doesn’t get raped in prison, which is where he belongs.