Why is every article I read about this POS never use the actual word “rape” because that’s what he’s alleged to have done? He’s a sexual predator and yet by describing what he’s done, the words never seem to spell it out explicitly.
These Republicans in MO voted for tRump, so pretending that suddenly they’re shocked by this Governor’s behavior disgusts me. Many of them wouldn’t dare come out and denounce tRump and his awful treatment of women. I would say they’re most likely continuing to defend tRump, just as someone like Greitens is similarly accused of behavior akin to tRump’s as a sexual predator. Can’t have it both ways.
As I’ve said over and over - Eric Greitens should NOT resign. He is a Republican and he represents Republicans. He IS Republican.
Now, I understand the Republicans hate the spotlight showing how truly rotten they are - but outside of that, they don’t give a shit what he’s done (as long as he hates the gays, and the darkies, and immigrants, and liberals, and moooslims, and foreigners, and he hates anything that helps anybody except the rich, and wants another tax cut).
Besides, he’s an amateur cretin lowlife compared to Trump, and Republicans still support Trump to the last rotten man.
Trump has convince wide swaths of the GOP that never apologizing or admitting fault means you’ll never go down for what you’ve done.
Justice-wise, this is a travesty of national scale that who’s damage we don’t yet understand.
Politics-wise, this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to win back major power nationwide - preventing the GOP from owning another redistricting process - and repair the damage Trump has caused.
State Republicans worry that the longer Greitens spends firing off defensive tweets and huddling with his defense lawyers, the more it will split their party and demoralize Republican voters, dooming the party’s chances in the November midterms.
I love the smell of dysfunction in the morning. It smells like…victory! (Well, at least partial victory. My state is still pretty red and pretty dumb, but this sure can’t hurt!)
The GOP may not have created weird, twisted sex scandals, but they do make them better. GOP: Partnering with you in life, so you may lay awake at night sweaty and totally conflicted.
Dragging down entire Missouri GOP? How about the entire GOP? Somebody, somewhere in the Democratic party, whether it’s the DNC or people with microphones in Congress or some PAC with zillions, should be sitting down and nationalizing this story before it goes away.
The slogan writes itself: The Republican Party is Unfit to Govern. The ad writes itself. Male voice over images of Wynn, Broidy, Moore, Cohen, Manafort, Flynn, Blankenburg or whatever his name is, Hastert, then climax with Trump boasting about sexual assault. Then a woman’s voice: What is wrong with the Republican party?
A national brand of the GOP as quite simply “unfit to govern” would be very powerful. Start with the obvious criminality, then move on to economic mismanagement. Branding the Labour party as specifically unfit to govern kept Thatcher in power for years–and then Blair turned the tables on the Conservatives in the same way. To this day the Dems’ own national brand–unfitness on taxes, the economy, the hard stuff–absurdly results in more than 50% still perceiving the GOP to be more capable than the Dems on the economy. Dems have a historic opportunity to put their foot on the throat of the GOP, and it must be taken. That will take partisan steel, which Dems have historically shied away from, with catastrophic results. The Blue Wave has been powerful not because some particular magic ideological formula–the third way, democratic socialism, identity politics–has been discovered, but because grassroots Democrats have been unapologetically flying the blue flag and calling BS on the GOP–as well as tailoring their specific messages for local constituencies they know better than any poll-cruncher in Washington. But a powerful national branding exercise is something within the reach of national organizations. Make Greitens the face of the GOP everywhere.
State Republicans worry that the longer Greitens spends firing off defensive tweets and huddling with his defense lawyers, the more it’ll split their party and demoralize GOP voters, dooming the party’s chances in the midterms
This makes Sen. Claire McCaskill the luckiest Democrat in the Senate once more!
Although she has done an admirable job for her state, this will hopefully give her a boost in her dicey reelection campaign. I hope Gov. Greitens hangs on until he is dragged from the Governor’s office kicking and screaming obscenities for the benefit of the local news cameras!