Discussion: Grassley: I'll Keep Open An Election Year SCOTUS Vacancy, But Trump, McConnell Won't Agree


It’s not the Biden rule. Biden said this shouldn’t be done and Dems never did it It’s the McConnell rule and he has to own it and its consequences.


“He added that President Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would not agree with the Biden rule if the vacancy opened under Trump.”

Last I checked, the President had zero power to force a Senate vote.

Lie harder, Tractor Man.


Old Man tries to sound reasonable so voters won’t kick his corrupt party to the kerb.


Yes, call it the McConnell Rule from now on. But of course it only applies with a Dem President and a Repig Senate. IOIYAR


All you have to do is tell Trump forcing a vote means people have no confidence in him winning re-election, and he’ll put it off until the next election.

Until Kelly tells him putting off a nomination means an undocumented immigrant gets his wings, and he’ll flip back right away.


What a load of BS. He has no intention of doing that and anyone who believes it hasn’t been paying attention.,


Nobody asked Obama if it was OK to hold the seat open for the next president in 2015.


Seriously, guys like Grassley must laugh themselves to sleep every night thinking of the stuff they said that day.


That’s nice, Chuck. I don’t believe you.


You’re assuming that you’ll be in charge of that committee after the mid-terms.


Article 2 section 2 says zero about a POTUS not being able to nominate judges in the last year of their term.
“He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme court, and all other officers of the United States…”

I see no constriction of the last year of a term in this language. But then I am not a crass and devoid of morality politician.
Consequently it should never be called the Biden rule but rather the McConnell/Yertle rule.


Why just one year?

Blaming Dems for the GOP’s theft of a Supreme Court seat is so touching.


They can call it whatever the fuck they want. I just hope they realize that whatever comes around goes around. There will be an instance where there is a SCOTUS vacancy, Republican president and a Democratic Senate and the Senate can pull the same shit they did and I better not hear them complain. They’ve set the precedence.


Something that always seems to be left out of these articles, is that Biden gave that speech IN JUNE, 4.5 months before the election. He didn’t say “one year before” or give the speech one year before, he said:

“It is my view that if a Supreme Court justice resigns tomorrow or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not — and not — name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” Mr. Biden, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, argued on June 24, 1992.

This isn’t difficult to find OR remember, please put it in your article because context is important.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/23/us/politics/joe-biden-speech-from-1992-gives-gop-fodder-in-court-fight.html


Well, Grassley won’t be Chairman of the committee anyway, so suck it.


Of course not. The “rules” Republicans pull out of their collective assholes only apply to Democrats. Never to Republicans.
Folks, the ONLY way we are going to end this ghastly nightmare we are all living through is to vote ALL of these fascist/treasonous/kleptocrats out of office ASAP.


Grassley, yet again, sounds soooo reasonable, but gee, ‘Mr Trump and Mr Turtle will not let me be reasonable.’
What a dipsh*t. This may be worse than Ryan not allowing for a DACA reinstatement vote because Trump ‘surely will veto it’ , yet they voted 60+ times to kill ACA for no damn reason.

This is Grassley’s home state, which just passed a fetal heartbeat anti-abortion bill which would deny abortions at 6 weeks. See the happy Gov’na, and the 3 dark skinned kids enveloping the Gov? Iowa is 3% black, so there better be 100 people in that room.


If a president should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his term then a senator should not be allowed to vote on a nominee in the last year of his term. When you eliminate 1/3 of the Senate from voting every two years and go back to the pre-turtle rule of 60 votes for confirmation it would make things very interesting.


It would be the one year of the ’20, if you want to follow the pattern of the Biden rule, and I’d follow that.


These people are pathetic, even the sort-of-reasonable-by-comparison ones. Biden once used a speech to try to muscle Bush into not nominating a replacement for O’Connor should a vacancy occur, which it didn’t. Bush would have ignored Biden anyway. This wasn’t a “rule” until the GOP wanted to run roughshod over order and decency, and wanted to give my idiot friend something to bark about. (“BIDEN RULE!” he’d say, as if that was actually a thing.)

Screw you, Grassley.