Discussion: Graham Says Trump Isn't 'Crazy' To Attack Congress, It's A 'Strategy'


He goes to Phoenix and kind of goes nuts on stage, but that’s Donald Trump

A sitting US Senator says this about a President of his own party, and it’s rightly a third-paragraph quote. Pause for a moment and reflect on where we are as a nation.


That’s it, Lindsey. Just keep telling yourself, “He’s not crazy, he’s not insane, he’s not unhinged.” That will definitely help the country - the idea that this is all perfectly fine and the new normal because, you know…he’s Donald Trump.


“Graham Says Trump Isn’t ‘Crazy’ To Attack Congress, It’s A ‘Strategy’”

Graham went on to say, “And Trump isn’t crazy to nuke North Korea, that’s a strategy also. One that we Republicans can and will support.”


And dommyluc says Lindsey Graham isn’t a ‘closet case’, it’s a ‘strategy’ to pick up tricks at the bars in Charleston.

Make up your fucking mind, peckerwood. Either your with him or against him.


Graham: “He listened to the generals, unlike President Obama who ignored sound military advice.”

Which is why Osama Bin Laden is still alive.


It interested me that they’re discussing, as a debatable proposition, whether or not the President of the United States is a crazy person. I don’t expect frank realism from either of these characters (with Graham it depends what day you catch him on) but for that to be the topic is remarkable.

Let’s go back to the tape:

“The Congress is very unpopular, particularly with the Republican base, so there’s nothing unhinged about it. It’s a political strategy that I’m not so sure is smart, but it’s a very thought-out strategy. There’s nothing crazy about it. It’s a political strategy,” Graham told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.

And now this:


“He’s not the first president to use the bully pulpit to try to push the
country in a particular direction or to keep his base on board,” the
senator told Hugh Hewitt.

He is the first president to threaten a shutdown, with no Democratic majority to scapegoat.


Lindsay will say just about anything as long as there is a camera around.

Luckily, he never actually listens to what he says.

And neither should you.


He’s not attacking Congress as an entity, he’s attacking individual members of Congress and Republicans no less.

A significant difference as while most people claim to despise Congress, they tend to like and vote for their own Senator or Congressman.


“The Congress is very unpopular, particularly with the Republican base, so there’s nothing unhinged about it. It’s a political strategy that I’m not so sure is smart, but it’s a very thought-out strategy. There’s nothing crazy about it. It’s a political strategy,”

While I’m not sure that Trump’s current Congressional attacks is really a very thought out strategy (after all, Trump’s current Congressional attacks were all the rage in '16), Graham is correct that people really hate this Congress. So that alone and Graham trying to be a ‘Wallenda’ is enough for me to agree.

His Afghan speech was excellent in terms of substance and tone.

He didn’t write that speech, Praetors McMaster and Kelly probably wrote that Rucker fave.

He listened to the generals, unlike President Obama who ignored sound military advice.

The most recent examples occurred under President George W. Bush. He not only ignored Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki’s advice that several hundred thousand ground troops would be needed to remove Saddam Hussein and restore order in Iraq after his removal.

Not only was Gen. Shinseki ignored, he was publicly derided and undermined by the president and the secretary of defense when they appointed his successor early, even though Shineski still had a year left in his term.

Ironically some of the same people now calling on Obama to listen to his generals and keep the door open to having combat ground troops in Iraq did not speak up for Shinseki. Bush also ignored the advice of his military commanders by diverting attention and resources from Afghanistan to Iraq, before the mission of restoring stability in Afghanistan and capturing Osama bin Laden and destroying al-Qaeda was completed.


President Trump’s going to take it.

The mission, which cost a Navy SEAL his life, “was started before I got there,” Trump said.

He goes to Phoenix and kind of goes nuts on stage, but that’s Donald Trump.”

and for putting up with all of these links, here’s a song that terms up Graham’s current relationship with Trump.


Unpopular opinion, I see, but Graham is right. While the left goes chasing the shiny ball of “Trump=crazy” he’s shoring up the base in Arizona ahead of the midterms to bring Jeff Flake (well-liked conservative in the Senate, a real not fake author, handsome, charismatic and a potential threat in 2020) and John McCain (deciding vote on defeating the Senate bill to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with the mean and cruel Trumpcare). This strategy was most likely arranged with the full cooperation of McConnell and “maybe” Ryan. McConnell for sure.

And just give me the reason that Democrats aren’t yelling every time a microphone comes within range about how infrastructure jobs (throw in water and sewer systems, BTW) are not being delivered. Go on and on and on about this…and how Republican Congress is taking up tax cuts for Wall Street who never met outsourcing they didn’t fall in love with.

Graham is right about this going into the 2018 midterms that are just around the corner. Any threat to a Republican in Congress will bring out Trump rallies. Are the Democrats ready with their supporters who will turn out to a counter rally? It seems very doubtful. Now is the time to start.

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Thank you!

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[The resident-in-chief’s] recent attacks on congressional leaders aren’t “unhinged” rantings but a political strategy, even if that strategy isn’t necessarily a smart one.

What a pathetic attempt to normalize the words and actions of the unhinged titular head of the GOP. Graham would do the country, and ultimately his own party, a favor if he’d drop the rationalization and simply admit that DT is unhinged and presents a serious domestic and international danger.

Graham may think threatening a nuclear attack on North Korea and a government shutdown over the idiotic border wall is a very thought out political strategy, but that does not lead to a logical conclusion that “there’s nothing crazy about it.”


Graham said that about him in '16.

He listened to the generals, unlike President Obama who ignored sound military advice.

Naturally, a dig at Obama is de riguer, but this is all weak sauce, coming from Lindsey. He and his fellow GOP freakazoids have all the access to power they’ve been slavering over for years. They have pretty much nothing to show for it except an embarrassing SCOTUS appointment. Lindsey et al. are powerless in the face of Trump. Access to power is not the same as wielding it, fortunately for us.

He’s also like a guy who gets himself a new piece of electronics, like a camera, which turns out to be really shitty and gets really bad online reviews. The lenses are crappy, the images are sub par, the ergonomics are bad and it’s been in the shop most of the time. But, the owner says, it’s got really great wifi connectivity.


Kinda like the Wehrmacht attack of Stalingrad was a “strategy”.


Dead Wehrmacht General: “Vell it vas going great, then a flunked out art school student complained that everyting was moving too slow.”


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Thursday morning argued that President
Donald Trump’s recent attacks on congressional leaders aren’t “unhinged”
rantings but a political strategy, even if that strategy isn’t
necessarily a smart one.

Necessarily smart?
What strategy did you have in mind Lindsey?
I disagree, Lindsey. This is off the cuff and not thought out at all. thrump doesn’t consider consequences at all. It’s purely “cornered animal” reaction. Lindsey, as an example of what I mean …go to a dog park. Carefully observe when a new dog shows up. See all the resident dogd group around the new guy and sniff him/her. Some get overwhelmed and start getting defensive and strike out. Then all hell breaks loose. trump’s automatic response is to feel like he has been backed into a corner so he feels he must strike out in defense of himself. His reactions are always, always personal. It’s the same scenario we have seen now for the entire time he has been in the public eye. Even before he was a candidate. No concept of consequences. No strategy.
Trump is most definitely unhinged and hates being “scripted”. Tuesday in Phoenix was the real donald trump. I am firmly convinced he has an organic brain disorder and that is truly scary.

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