above else he believes in the Rule of Law. He understands we are a nation of laws, not men
That aside – I posted this in another thread, but I do think Sessions actually has friends in the Senate and is not considered as an asshole like Cruz by his former colleagues.
And the friendship is being tested now. Sessions is publicly attacked and humiliated by Pee, not for lying under oath but for recusing, which is an entirely wrong reason. What are his friends going to do?
Typical GOP reaction these days. For a moment there is a glimmer of spine, a hint of honor but it evaporates by midnight and they grovel back to Donnie.
It reminds me of Gilda Radner’s Emily Litella, who, after a confused rant, ends with “never mind…”
Poor Ms Lindsay . Tough times indeed trying to fuck the poors while still standing up to Trump
(Shelby tweets embedded).
I do think this is probably all they are willing to do. Noteworthy Ryan is not doing even this.
Franken on the Daily Show, plugging his new book “Al Franken: Giant of the Senate” haha, said it’s hard to hate a person when he does things like give you a baby blanket for your first grandchild that was knitted by his wife. Sessions and his wife did that for him. The book apparently does a lot of humanizing of these folks and Trevor Noah was asking him about that.
As much fun as we have with it and as cathartic as it may be, it IS sometimes useful to take a step back from the tendency we have to turn these people into cartoon characters in our minds.
I can’t stand Sessions, and found his nomination among the most troubling of Trump’s nominations. However, the reason Trump is attacking is utterly ridiculous - and Graham’s tweets capture the reasons well per investigations and prosecutions driven by facts, not partisan politics.
Good on Graham. Compare this pro-active response to the weak solicited response by Ryan. Then think back to just prior to the convention when Ryan and McConnell were reassuring nervous/uncertain delegates that the Presidency was just 1 of the 3 branches of govt and that Congress would step in and assert itself if Trump overstepped and needed to be checked.
I know, in the end Graham will almost always capitulate to party, but at least he does speak out, strongly and sometimes proactively.
Come on Lindsey, do more - become the conscience of the party in the wake of this abnormal presidency and the congressional enablers.
Lindsey Gal, for once hitch up your girdle and finally, conclusively walk away from the GOP goose-step, rather than constantly pirouetting like a drunken ballerina…
The deplorable defending the execrable from the unspeakable.
The way Ryan and McConnell have been reacting (or not reacting, actually) to this whole thing is deafening.
Good to know it is just the Sessions thing that is undermining the rule of law.
I haven’t seen media coverage comparing their words from 7/16 to their actions since Trump took office. Someone could have a heck of an interesting article - and it would be really helpful reference materials for Dems running against incumbent GOPers in the House and Senate races.
It would certainly seem to be advantageous to these miscreants, then, if they refrained from acting like cartoon characters.
His firing of Sessions will backfire, just like Comey’s. This time Mooch will be on the hook, not the princeling who sounds like he’s practicing for his Bar Mitzvah (his voice, that is, now that we have had the honor of hearing it).
Polysyllable? Admirable…
Haha…tell me about it…makes it so very hard for me to behave maturely.
Please. The last thing the Russian mobster and scum suck asshole Trump cares about is American legal or political traditions.
What rock has Lindsey been under after his years of fainting spells to think Trump or his party gives a fuck about norms, traditions or not being flaming hypocrites?
Sorry, Lindsey, Sessions is a dead man walking. He should cut to the chase, resign, and go back to his day job as the Keebler elf.
Okay, but why bother? Serious question. Who’s his audience here?
The one thing Sessions has done that isn’t an active furtherance of the criminal conspiracy he’s almost certainly a part of–recusing himself–is the one thing that the chief conspirator can’t forgive him for. Sessions has a constituency of approximately zero people right now–or one, if we count Lindsey Graham, I guess.
I get that Graham occasionally likes to reminisce about the days when he was kinda-sorta an anti-Trump figure, or at least not a de facto Trump loyalist. But Sessions is an odd target for his sympathy, no matter how strong those deep-fried Senate bonds are. He and Sessions might be buddies, but if there’s any substance whatsoever to Graham’s talk about Russia, then he has to know that Sessions is in it up to his neck.
If you can overlook that in the name of friendship, then you’re either the two best friends the world has ever seen, or you don’t actually care about the whole Russia thing.