Discussion: Graham: Campaign Finance Violations Have Never Been Used For Impeachment!

What’s the matter mis lindsey, found yourself in that trumpworld again ? sucks to be u. Go over to Mitches’ place and consume mas quantities of that Kentucky Bourbon. You guys need to spend more time with your delusion, money and lies.


for god’s sake don’t tell steviedee


“Campaign finance violations have never been used to impeach anybody,” Graham told Neil Cavuto on Fox News.

  1. There is always a first time.
  2. This is likely quite a bit less than the tip of the iceberg. NRA anyone?
  3. So why is it that the party of law-and-order no longer follows the law?
  4. You know what THE WORLD-WIDE ASSHOLE calls Graham? He calls him:

    BiGLy LOser.


Methinks he doth protest too much.


It is absolutely an admission of crime with a suggestion that such a CRIME, i.e. campaign finance violation is not big enough for impeachment. What about other crimes. Have you got the moral courage to admit those too?


Excluding the odd “in the House” part — a threat? — yes, I do think this is worthy of impeachment.

Lindsey, your fricking donors are paying slave wages to hard-working people who are putting up with way too much crap. No disrespect to the loose women in the spotlight, but has anyone seen the daily abuse people in retail (men and women) have to put up with on a daily basis? They don’t get to skip out for two-week vacations with full salary and benefits pouring in. They have to be on-time — to the minute — every day without fail. To earn shit.

Try as they might, Republicans, in this case, are not preaching to the choir.


So Mulvaney is the favored temp when there is a vacancy in the WH.


♫ Come ride the little train that is rolling down the track at the Junction
Forget about your cares, it is time to relax at the Junction ♫


That’s a stupid reason. There has only been two house impeachments, and they were for different reasons, so to say Campaign Finance Violations Have Never Been Used For Impeachment is a phony excuse. Andrew Johnson was Impeached on 11 articles of impeachment 9 of which was because of the removal of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Bill Clinton because he lied to Congress. So to say Campaign Finance Violations Have Never Been Used For Impeachment is correct but misleading. It doesn’t mean Trump can’t be Impeached for this reason, after all it was a Felony.


But consensual blow jobs are impeachable. These guys are trying different rationales to justify what Trump did, but the courts and legal observers keep crapping in their faces. Their grip is slippery.


Then we should be able to indict him, right? Are you saying he can have it both ways and is “above the law,” Lindsey?

Graham is turning quickly into one of the biggest GOP Trump whores in Congress. And to think that this asshole led the House impeachment trial against Clinton.


He’s just throwing whatever shit he can against the wall and hoping it will stick.


Campaign finance violations are a no but blow jobs are a yes.

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But the NY FBI would.

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He will rub them in cilantro and…
I can’t talk about it.


I would really like to see something particularly ridiculous happen to that gasbag, Mulvaney. I’m glad he’s taking this temp job. We need more light cast on this devious crustation.

While I’m at it, what the heck is in the water in South.Csrolina? Two of the most absurd personages in DC are from South Carolina. And you can keep them in the Beltway too!

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Poor ol* Ms Graham , unfortunately Diaper Donny is promised to TRudy .

"Bill Clinton because he lied to Congress. "

Uh, that’s not the genesis of the article of impeachment regarding perjury.

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows you’re f***ed.

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Understand… During the 1980’s a friend and I made goat cheese. It was quite popular locally. And we treated our goats with the upmost respect and kindness. And their kids as well. The billy on the other hand (pregnancy being the necessary percursor to milk and therefore cheese) was another matter entirely. He was a pisser. Literally. On everything. And he wrecked fences. And he stank. He reminded me of certain governors and members of Congress. They shall remain nameless. But we know who they are.

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