Discussion: Gowdy: Classified Briefing 'Convinced' Me FBI Was Right To Use Informant

I think they called it on Mourning Joe
Gowdy is acting as a Ryan / surrogate /stooge, so Pauly doesn’t have to show his face and imperil his standing with the base and ergo his Potential Lobbying cred with the base


Gowdy better watch out. People may start to think he’s honest.


No, he still looks like a reptile


“Trey Gowdy is a Deep State loser. Except that part about ‘it has nothing to do with Trump.’ That part is true. I am vindicated. No Collusion! No Obstruction! Witch Hunt!!”

In the book, Draco Malfoy grows up under the spell of Voldemort but finds it within himself to do the right thing.

In real life, this keeps happening over and over. He says the right thing, only to be pulled back under the Voldemort’s spell. Then, he learns he was wrong, and says the right thing, but inevitably starts doing Voldemort’s bidding again … over and over and over.

It’s like the Harry Potter series meets Groundhog Day.


No he looks like Zippy


So wasn’t that idiot Nunes in that briefing also? No comment from him? Or were his comments reserved for the defense strategy meeting?


Let me see if I can understand this: He hired people under investigation for money laundering and fraud with deep financial connections to Russia, had an unregistered foreign agent campaigning for him and working as his national security advisor, had his foreign policy advisor with unreported foreign contacts to Russia bragging about this in public to an official of an allied nation, his son-in-law was trying to arrange secret back-channel meetings with Russia, and Russians cold pitched who knows how many of his campaign staff without reporting it… and the FBI is the one they’re suspicious of for wanting to take a closer look?


“President Trump himself in the Comey memos said, ‘If anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it.’ Sounds to me like that was exactly what the FBI did.”

Gowdy is way behind the R game plan here. At the beginning of the investigation there were some half hearted attempts to pin Dump’s crimes on a few low level fall guys, but Dump being the ego monster he is, he simply had to make it all about himself. Too late to pull out some patsies now, Trey.

Anyway, I guess Gowdy’s self image is too bound up in his notion of the “steely eyed pursuer of Truth and Justice” for him to want to tear down the FBI the way a good R stooge should. No wonder he’s making tracks.


Nope. Notice his framing of the issue.

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It’s a small thing, but still positive, especially when it airs on Fox News.


Baby steps, baby steps


Again I ask what experience does Nunes have to be on the Intelligence Committee. Gowdy as a lawyer was trained, Nunes not so much.

Yep and all this “Spygate” crap closes an avenue for Trump to bring out his “Who knew” defense, mein gott what a dummkopf.


Is this a positive? That a GOPer is using Trumps own words to refute him? “Hey boss, just doing what you said…”


What’s happening?
Do you actually have a conscience?
Or real (not Fox) Patriotism?
When are you going to come over to the Bright Side of the Force?
Any sinner can be saved.


Deeming the whole ordeal “spygate,” Trump is convinced the news solidifies his belief in a “deep state” within the Justice Department working to undermine him.

When is someone going to point out the oh so obvious point that if the FBI wanted to undermine Trump they would have released all this crap BEFORE the election? Seems much easier to prevent his election than oust him after.

UNLESS, the plan all along was to get Pence in the Presidency this way because he would never have been elected directly? Melania isn’t the only one keeping a low profile…


Now go on Insanity Shamity a couple of times & say it over and over again so the rubes get it through their fortified castle thick skulls.

Resembles a turtle
Class Testudinata. From the Free Dictionary:. Testudo meaning 1. A Roman siege device consisting of a movable screen protecting the besiegers’ approach to a wall.
2. A cover formed by the overlapping shields of besiegers and held over their heads.

Yup, looks like Trey

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