Discussion: Gov Nominee Gretchen Whitmer Heads All-Female Dem Ticket In Michigan

I hope these women wipe the floor with the GOP. Let’s hear it for the distaff side!


Whitmer is a Demopublican and does not support single payer healthcare. She offers little change from what you get when you vote Republican. The Democratic Establishment of extremely wealthy people like Pelosi and Schumer may win primaries but they will NOT win national elections or statewide elections.

The people are sick and tired of wealth concentration and being ruled by the Oligarchy.

The Democrats will NOT win the general election for Michigan Governor…this is not a real choice to the Republicans who have a lot more money. If you don’t offer a real difference maker for the bottom 90%, then the Republican always wins out!

Pelosi and Schumer need to go!

Lifelong Democrat - I’m giving up on the party. I will only vote for Democratic Socialists!

go2goal: We feel your pain. Bwa.


oh god another purist. Thanks for supporting the attitude that got the orange turd and his santorum elected.


How much does Trump pay you for this shit?


Tell that to Doug Jones. And Schumer is a senator from the state of New York which means he’s literally won statewide elections.


I’m a Michigan Dem and there’s lot of excitement for Ms. Whitmer. Lots of the same bullshit Mr. Go2 is flinging was thrown at her and she still crushed it. After the Rethugs complete inaction to the Flint water crisis, everybody in Michigan knows there is huge difference between the parties.



I never thought I’d see an all-woman top ticket in Michigan, especially in a transition year that follows the Dems wandering the wilderness for the last eight. Look, Abdul El-Sayed is a good guy, but we must take back the statehouse and my judgment on Election Day was that he can’t win in the general in this state. Whitmer can beat that crook in November.


Another interloper straight from the GRU’s headquarters in Moscow. If you are going to continue to take up space here, please get your Moscow bosses to at least purchase a Prime Membership for you.


I am sorry for having to make such a contentious reply, but here goes.

You think Whitmer is part of the oligarchy because her Dad was CEO of Blue Cross of Michigan? When her Dad was CEO, it was a non-profit, and served as insurer of last resort in Michigan. He defended it against Republicans trying to privatize it.

You don’t like CEOs? Her opponent’s father was on the Board of Directors of Dow, and after his father passed away, his mother remarried to the CEO of Dow.

You want single payer? Whitmer as Michigan Senate minority leader worked hard to get a Medicaid expansion plan under ACA that the Republican governor and legislature would go along with. Meanwhile, her opponent was grandstanding and filing lawsuits against ACA as Michigan’s Attorney General.

Maybe you are just a troll, but if not, I am having a hard time figuring out how you reconcile your voting strategy with your policy goals.


I knew Dick Whitmer at Blue Cross … he’s a good guy who truly cared about people. I’m counting on Gretchen to follow in that vein.


Unless she supports locking immigrant kids in concentration camps, throwing out at least the last decades worth of progress by LGBTQ people, the government dictating a woman’s health options, making it more difficult for the poor, the elderly, and non-whites to vote, deporting DACA kids, etc. it would seem there are plenty of distinctions between voting for her and voting for a republican.


Oh just stop. Sour grapes are so unbecoming. I loved El-Sayed but nothing will stop me from supporting these Dems.


go2goal: objectively pro-trump.

Which is really no surprise.


He may be a good guy, with his heart in the right place, but he has no political experience.

He should run for a state office or even the House and learn what goes on to get something done.

Well-said and informative. Thank you.

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Actually, he does, whether or not you know about it.

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He does what?

I read his wiki bio. Impressive, but not sure how that would help him steer Michigan, especially with, for now, a republican-controlled legislature. We need experience now more than ever.