So, Neil Gorsuch successfully purchased a Supreme Court seat and the Senate was trashed in the process. Wow! Wow…
Garland: This makes me so happy.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Democracy has left the building. Democracy has left the building.”
[bring up house lights]
He will wear the stench as long he is on the court.
Even worse, he will get to wear it for decades to come.
Worst of all, he will wear it with pride.
Mitch McConnell: Partisan first, American last.
It takes a certain someone to be willing (a) to steal a seat intended for a legitimate earlier nominee and (b) to be nominated by Trump. And that person’s now on the Supreme Court. Rigged elections have consequences.
Thanks Progressive Purity Warriors.
I hope you are happy with your new Supreme Court Justice.
…and the overturning of Roe vs Wade within the year.
In a perfect world the solution here would be relatively simple: elect a Democratic Senate majority in 2018, and invoke the McConnell Rule to deny any consideration of federal judicial nominees put forward by the National Embarrassment or any subsequent replacement thereof.
If we can keep energy and focus through the midterm, it is doable, but it will be a VERY uphill slog.
Which Dems voted to confirm this guy?
Because there is absolutely no reason they should have.
I am so going to enjoy crapping on his grave.
A couple from very red states who were trying to keep their seats out of GOP hands.
At least he beat Thomas’ margin by two, but let’s see if five aye votes later say they made a mistake like three aye votes for Thomas did.
I wonder do they still feel that 4 yrs if Hillary would be worse than 4 yrs of trump? We are less then a hundred days in trump has started a war with no plan as to what comes next, an extremist was just put on the Supreme Court. I tell those folks should be saying happy days are here again… am I right
McConnell has to get all this s#!t done before the lid blows off this Russian investigation. He’s in it up to his scaly neck. Look at that photo–gloating about destroying the leverage of the minority and with it any last vestiges of bipartisanship in the Senate. Singing out of a different hymnal this year, the f*****g hypocrite.
I get why the dems did this to pacify some of us on the left, but was it worth it knowing that the guy was going in anyway. Some folks seem to forget the gop doesn’t cut and run at the first sign of trouble like some dems do.
Nope. We’re not taking the Senate in '18 so there’s no point in talking about it. We’ve got 20+ seats to defend and some of them are just undefendable.
We very well might be able to take the House and governors mansions.
Not to be critical, but I believe his name is spelled “Gorsuch*” and not “Gorsuch.” There’s an asterisk that always has to be attached to his name. It’s a recent addition, but permanent.
Can we impeach a Supreme Court justice if the man who appointed them is found to have committed treason? Or do you have to show that the justices themselves committed a crime?
Thank you Mitch McConnell for opening the pandora box by OFFICIALLY STEALING a seat on SCOTUS, the highest court in our land! BITCH!