Discussion: Gorka Touts Transgender Soldier Ban, Slams 'Obama-Era Social Engineering'

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“The military is not a microcosm of civilian society,” Gorka responded. “They are not there to reflect America. They are there to kill people and blow stuff up, they are not there to be social engineered.”

So sick of these testosterone-fueled assholes.


Dr. Gorka’s Participation Trophy doctorate was apparently not accompanied by any actual education.


Why does the US military buy so much Viagra?


Gorka said Trump’s decision — made “out of the warmth of his consideration of this population”


— was a response to what he characterized as an attempt “to try and force them into the hierarchical military environment where they are under the utmost pressure to kill or be killed.”

“The military is not a microcosm of civilian society,” Gorka responded. “They are not there to reflect America. They are there to kill people and blow stuff up, they are not there to be social engineered.”



Ladies and gentlemen, your new Chief of Staff! And Secretary of State. And publisher of the Enquirer.


Maybe Gorka should familiarize himself with the foundational documents of this country? Can he read?


Impartial inclusion is now “social engineering”?


if it makes that current version of the Hellmouth self destruct faster, then I’m all in.

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Why does the military buy so much Viagra

If my four years are any indication,


So they left this guy out of the dungeon? Funny how people in the Trump WH seem to just disappear. Kellyanne, Bannon & Gorka seemed to be everywhere a few months ago, and now it’s rare for them to speak publicly . Not that they were actually missed.

Also noticeable is that Kushner has not been given big portfolios anymore.



I’m ready for a nice Friday newsbomb. Maybe the Russians will decide El Bufon is finished and undertake a leak campaign to make Priebus’ Politico exploits look like the silence of the Tomb.


Gorka is making stuff up as per usual.

The military does not accept people because they are transgender or anything else. They accept people because they volunteer and have the ability to do the job they are trained for. If they can’t then the military won’t allow them to do that job.

This social engineering argument is perverse on so many levels.

I’m amazed at the mental fortitude transgender people have to live up to who they are when there are so many people that attack and disparage them from all sides. I’d argue that they would make for mentally tougher and more resilient than the majority of us fortunate enough to have our physical and perceptual selves line up from birth.


What kind of social engineering produces a wannabe-fascist, opportunist loser? I say we ban that.


Has Gorka volunteered for duty in Iraq or Afghanistan ? I don’t believe he has. If so, then he should shut his yapper and behave.

Isn’t throwing transgender soldiers out of the military or denying them the opportunity to serve their country, which Trump masterfully avoided, social engineering of the worst kind ?

Gorka appears to be one of the self flagellating Bannon’s followers. Same fuzzy, xenophobic kind of thinker.


Estimates of military medical expenditures for transgender troops are estimated to be $2.4 to $8.4 million per year. Not even couch cushion money for the DOD. And annnual military expenditures for various ED drugs prescriptions are more than $84 million! Der Drumpfenfuhrer and his lackeys are not only fuckng liars but fucking misogynist liars. Yes, we knew that but we should keep pointing it out.

Oh, and comic opera villain–and unrepentant anti-Semitic fascist–Gorka made these comments the day following the anniversary of Truman desegregating the military. Wit a slight cut and paste, I have no doubt this piece of human (though opinions may differ) excrement would have made the same argument in 1948.

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Wait. Hadn’t the decision already been made to hang this guy as a Hungarian spy?

Spoken like a true fascist.

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To be fair to Gorka, though, Nazis have always hated teh gay.