Discussion for article #224025
Any Benghazi news that does not involve the President being impeached is not relevant to FOX viewers.
Do Fox viewers take a lot of Excedrin? Do they ever tire of being yanked around by the nads?
It’s not the fact that they’re insane. I could live with the insanity. It’s the fact that the MSM, and a substantial portion of the electorate, blame Obama and Democrats for not making them be sane I can’t take.
Senator Graham can’t imagine why interrogation would be needed. He’s never had an unspoken thought.
WOW… that took WAY longer than I thought it would. Bipartisanship in foreign policy is deader than the dodo folks.
I wonder if this will finally FINALLY cause people in the Bubble to say–“Wait a sec…Is Fox putting me on? Why isn’t this good news?”
Wow…just wow…i don’t even have anything to say about this it is so pathetic
Former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) charged that the Benghazi news, typically the scandal everything else is meant to distract from, was planned to distract from Obama’s other scandals.
Please tell me this guy is a living piece of satirical performance art, and not a supposedly serious politician.
Poe’s Law
We can but hope. I think the MSM, by not pushing back against this garbage, is hammering yet another nail into its own coffin.
They never disappoint, but at this moment I’m due back on Planet Earth and can read no more of their super terrestrial statements.
Watching a bunch of butt hurt conservatives whine about good news makes my day.
Alan West was and is never a “supposedly serious politician”. He also no longer holds political office.
It was OKAY with Fox News that Bush never caught OBL. The Fox folks even re-elected Bush in 2004, 3+ years after 9/11, with no OBL even in their sights. Another four years of Bush, no OBL, another couple years under Obama and OBL is caught, and Fox wants to give PARTIAL credit for the capture to Bush, (not to Obama, but to Bush and Navy Seals and to “enhanced interrogation”).
Less than two years after 4 Americans lost their lives in Lybia, at a remote outpost, the Obama team capture a major player, and the Fox News folks wonder why it took so long. Go figure.
For some stupid reason, people in the Bubble, particularly the Villagers that report on DC, believe Faux is a credible news source, just like the brain-dead idiots that watch them on a daily basis 24/7.
That didn’t take long.
future paychecks, must not discuss
They are so insolent towards our military and security forces and have been outwardly so for at least six years now.