Discussion: GOPers At White House SCOTUS Meeting Dig In On Blocking Nom, Dems Say

Discussion for article #246687

The McConnell play might prove the single dumbest move Republicans have made since taking charge of the Senate. Right now Republicans have an uphill battle keeping the Senate. If Trump is the nominee, the Senate will go bright blue. Best for McConnell to cut a deal now. There probably isn’t a then for Republicans.


Question. Since we are already setting aside the Constitution, presumably we are setting aside Senate rules as well. Why don’t Leahy, the Democrats, and any GOP senators who are willing to LISTEN, hold hearings anyway? A chance to showcase the choice to the U.S.

Why should Democrats abide by a Senate defying the Constitution?


The Roman emperor Caligula allegedly wanted to appoint his favorite horse as Consul of Rome. If Trump were president, he would probably nominate a horse’s back end to the Supreme Court.


It’s your funeral, GOP. Either by Trump’s nomination or by your own refusal to do your job as required by the Constitution, you’re going to fall on your sword and taste a very bitter defeat. Count on it.


Look how rude these m f’ers are the the POTUS!

Dear Mr. President, screw them…RECESS APPOINTMENT!!!


The Old Age Mutant Turtle isn’t going to like any of President Clinton’s nominees either. 4-4 stasis for the forseeable future (which makes the lower courts even more important).


McConnell And Grassley Don’t Budge

BHO: P-B4. Please proceed Senators.



“the American people will have a voice in the vacancy on the Supreme Court as they choose the next President who in turn will nominate the next Supreme Court justice.”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “Elections should only have consequences when a white conservative man is elected.”


There will be no recess. They’ve not allowed one to take place for pretty much the entire time they’ve controlled the Senate.


Prequel to a skullfucking



Hey, they continue to break the rules, the senate has basically gaveled out. Let them file suit…all the way to the supreme court (with the President’s selection hearing the case)!

They lose!


Obama’s making sure to do everything by the book - dotting his i’s and crossing his t’s. So when the case is adjudicated by the American people in November, they will have no choice but to reject the Rethuglicans.


Trump represents the Authoritarians of the republican party. They are the ones running the show on that side and will accept nothing less than total refusal to consider a nominee. Luckily they are a minority of the general voting public.


I wish Obama had put whoopie cushions under the Repubs couch. Then told them to go F themselves.

I’d like someone to ask Mitch McConnell: If it’s your position that the people should choose the next Supreme Court justice by electing a new president, do you pledge right now that you will hold hearings on that president’s nominee?

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I suspect that quote from McConnell is incomplete. I’m pretty sure what he said, in full, was something like this:

" …(T)he American people will have a voice in the vacancy on the Supreme Court as they choose the next President who in turn will nominate the next Supreme Court justice, unless they foolishly elect a Democrat, in which case we will declare that it’s the beginning of another election cycle, and the next President will nominate the next Supreme Court justice. Unless that’s another damn Democrat…"


No thought bubble above Grassley. That about says it all. Why did those pukes even bother going to the WH? Just to heap more insult upon injury for themselves?

These pukes all think alike. Its not just tRump and his “Make America White Again” crap. They’re all a bunch of nullifiers when it comes to this President. There’s actually no daylight between them when it comes to race and bigotry, and I wish the media would say as much instead of the typical “both sides do it.”


It’s March Madness, President Obama’s thought bubble should be his bracket.