Discussion: GOPer Under Fire After Urging Generals To Resign If They Disagree With Obama

Lamborn probably agrees with dubya that the

Constitution is ‘just a goddamned piece of paper’.

Administratively, there’s a (potential) fine line to tread between insubordinate disagreement and constructive disagreement. All teams need to have input from all sides (there is often more than 2 sides) for accurate decisions, but it must all remain positive. When the line is crossed towards dysfunctional disagreement, then the lower-ranked person should resign to allow the team to continue constructively. And doing it behind the scenes keeps it constructive - if they don’t go then you boot them visibly and it gets ugly.

sedition : the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government : incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority


Here is the first part of the Oath of Enlistment from memory:

“I (name) do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the ORDERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the officers appointed over me…”

There is no part about agreeing with, or actually wanting to do whatever you’re told - that’s not a choice you get. To suggest anything otherwise is seditious, point blank.


I keep hearing things like " such as draconian defense budget cuts…"?

When did this happen? Never, I am assuming! Of course if it’s the threatened sequester cuts, those were designed by Congress, mostly the GOP House members, and they too never went into effect. What a crock! You know NOBODY will call this clown out on his lies!


They say these things, they mean these things they say, until it escapes the bubble of ignorance in which they dwell. Then they backtrack - it’s like the lying for Jesus because, you know, Jesus.


Lamborn’s aide who issued the retraction/explanation has a job similar to the guy who walks behind the horses at a parade pulling a garbage can and holding a broom. Non thinking pol drops manure, someone else cleans it up for public consumption.


I’m sure his seat would also have been safe in the Reichstag.

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I can see that there may be a pop corn shortage this fall if this sort of commentary from republicans keeps up.

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Every time I think these arseholes couldn’t go any lower, they prove me wrong.


Budget cuts because of the sequester probably affected the Secret Service’s ability to staff enough guards and provide adequate protective measure at the White House along with some laxity among WH staff. I wonder if Issa will acknowledge it in any way, or will he be too busy enjoying his turn in front of a mic.


Let’s undermine national security for the sake of a TV sound bite. That’s a great idea and sure to increase everyone’s love of the Republican party.


No one but a Republican would suborn mutiny as Lamborn has done.


Maybe this latest example of GOP wingnuttery will help Udall (?).

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For some people, the U.S. having 48% of total global military spending just isn’t enough.


A lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying,

“A lot of us”???

Will the media demand Lamborn name names like they did of Sen. Gillibrand?

"In his remarks, Congressman Lamborn was referencing past policy decisions by President Obama

What utter bullshit. As someone already smartly pointed out upthread, Lamborn referenced CURRENT policy issues , saying if they disagree with them they should resign. He did not say disagreed , as one would if they were discussing something that happened in the past.

My bet is he was telling the truth and there is an effort by many GOP congresspeople to embarrass President Obama by having generals resign in force. He just made the error of spilling the beans and not using his library voice.


For me, this wins the “internets” for today.

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Back when Bush was screwing up during the Iraq War officers were not re-upping due to the horrible leadership from the White House. Liberals and progressives lamented this loss of quality officers.

Now, years later, we see a conservative encourage these men to quit.

See the difference in leadership here?


More GOP BS. “…past policy decisions by President Obama, such as draconian defense budget cuts…” Funny, I seem to remember that it’s the Congress’ duty to pass budgets, not the President’s. But then, for the last seven years, Obama has been to blame for EVERYTHING that’s gone wrong in this country. What a load of crap! And the nut graf at the end, where this ignorant traitor will probably be re-elected. We really need a better electorate…stop putting fundamentally stupid people in to political office.


In the 1860’s they were called 'Radical Republicans" over their stance on reconstruction. Today the name fits again this time it uses a much broader brush stroke; now it includes a never ending need for war, religion in government, a belief that women should be subservient to men and the church and the US economy should look more like that of the late 1800’s.