Discussion: GOPer Under Fire After Urging Generals To Resign If They Disagree With Obama

Discussion for article #228241

Yeah, but he didnā€™t call for a ā€œpubicā€ resignation. Seriously, TPM people, these typos are getting out of hand.


ā€œYou donā€™t criticize the commander-in-chief in the middle of a firefight. That could be construed as putting U.S. forces in jeopardy and undermining morale.ā€

ā€“Bill Oā€™Reilly, April, 2004

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.


Right idea, wrong target. Since the Republican congress members refuse to work with the President, they should resign en masse. That will send a political statement.


ā€¦ such as draconian defense budget cutsā€¦

Can someone refresh my memory? When the heck did that happen?

Oh, sorry, never mind. I didnā€™t consider the source - conservatives never tell the truth, always (ALWAYS) liars.

This representative is guilty of sedition, just like most of his ilk.


Isnā€™t that the way the military works? If you donā€™t like the commands from your superior officer, just quit?


Is this guy ā€“ and the Secret Service ā€“ now taking advice from the Oath Keepers?


ā€œIn his remarks, Congressman Lamborn was referencing past policy decisions by President Obamaā€¦,ā€ campaign spokesman Jarred Rego said. ā€œThere are no current discussions taking placeā€¦ā€

ā€œLet me reassure you on this,ā€ Lamborn told a gathering of tea party voters in Colorado Springs on Sept. 23, according to the Colorado Independent. ā€œA lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes, saying, ā€˜Hey, if you disagree with the policy that the White House has given you, letā€™s have a resignation.ā€™"

So according to Lambornā€™s own campaign, he is either a liar, or he doesnā€™t know how to properly use the English language to express past tense.


Oh, my ā€“ good catch.

Iā€™m embarrassed that this jerk is my Congressman. However, there is a much better Democrat running against him, retired Maj. Gen Irv Halter. Heā€™s been calling out Lamborn for refusing to debate and ignoring the crap out of vets.



ā€œGentlemen, we want your resignations. This president isnā€™t worthy of the lifetime of service you have given your nation. Therefore, we want you to quit your jobs now. Me? No. I canā€™t. I have a wife and three kids and besides, I get great health care here. Why the f would I want to quit. This is the best gig ever had.ā€


Thatā€™s just plain fucking outrageous and this guy should resign. Period. End of story. They are there to obey and serve in the manner ordered by the Commander in Chief and their like or dislike of his policies, political or otherwise, is not supposed to enter into it EVER. This guy is a fucking traitorous asshat, but itā€™s not sruprisingā€¦there is absolutely no doubt in my mind whatsoever that there exists an undercurrent of belief amongst the GOP/Teatrolls that if it all came down to it, the military would side with them and they could achieve a military coup.


Per the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), when they are commissioned, military officers swear to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over them, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

This pertains only to Lawful Orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders ā€“ if the order was illegal.



Now, now. Obviously Lamborn is encouraging the generals to get Obama to resignā€¦


unless the commander-in-chief is a ni[CLANG!]


Sadly, in the genetic make-up of a Republican, the ability to realize that you should do the same as you are so loudly and proudly demanding of others is missing in action.


Didnā€™t the late James Schlesinger, when serving as Secretary of Defense under Nixon, tell the military leadership to check with him first if Tricky, then in The Final Days and supposedly talking to the portraits of his predecessors, ordered up a military move that had a funny smell? I guess that was illegal, or unconstitutional, but if it happened Iā€™m glad he did it.


Resign! you traitorus idiot.


Just take one second to imagine the GOP/Teatroll reaction had this been a Dem representative talking to generals under Dubya during those heady days of patriotic fervor following 9-11 and leading up to the fabricated justifications for invading Iraq. Just. Fucking. Imagine. Fuckwads like Graham and McCain wouldnā€™t even be with us any longerā€¦theyā€™d have gone so nuts theyā€™d have suffered heart attacks and embolic strokes.