Wouldn’t it just be easier to legalize rape? One more pesky regulation out of the way.
Perhaps they’re just fans of Blazing Saddles.
Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
Applicant: I like rape.
Where did this guy get his monitary figures? I think he made all this 100’s of millions crap up.
The GOP rape issues are one of the most sickening things about the party.
It’s amazing if you think about it.
The American President was all wishful thinking for us libs, but Sydney Ellen Wade, the president’s girlfriend, said it best: How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly can’t stand Americans?
Weak on crime. Strong on disempowering young women.
Yep, the Republicans are in town.
Now we know what the “freedom” in the Freedom Caucus is all about.
I wonder how Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) would feel if his daughter was assaulted at college or if a mugger decided to “have his way” with him. I bet his attitude would do a 180 right quick.
WTF is WRONG with these people? Not only are women not safe but our CHILDREN aren’t safe? What kind of bottom feeders are these scum?
The GOP war on women rages on…
Onward Christian Soldiers…
Feed a child; starve a Republican.
Make America Rapey Again. Those damn Title IX regs make it harder to grab p____ without accountability.
I noticed that too. Innocent complainants are discouraged from reporting rapes by fear of humiliation and retribution and the fear of not being believed… by guys like this GOPer. Fear of the perpetrator being denied the “right” to get off is hardly on the victim’s list of pressing fears.
Rethugs continuing War on Women .
More made up facts. Show me how colleges “spend hundreds of millions of dollars”, or one “vast campus bureaucracy.” This is a bunch phony crap.
A real and thorough background investigation should be taken of Meadows! I imagine there’s some sexual problems in his background just waiting to be exposed into the ‘light of day!’ Maybe and I’m just saying, Meadow’s a child molestor of the young boys!
About that so-called “Freedom Caucus” Meadows is the chair of, isn’t squat! It’s a handful of big-baby whiners within the Republican Party!
If so, you are one sick fuck. If not, think at least once before posting what you blurt.
This should certainly create jobs in the pepper-spray industry…
Get ready, ladies. it’s open season and the GrOPers are just getting warmed up.
Well that tells you how disingenuous the Freedom Caucus is on this issue. They want victims of college sexual assault to have to go to local law enforcement. Which will then bend over backwards for the accused star athlete or rich entitled white male rapist, just as is done whenever a white police officer guns down a black person first and asks questions later.