I’m holding my hands behind my back, Donald. One hand says you’re a bullshitter. The other almost certainly says you’re a liar. I’ll even let you know which is which! But you still have to pick one.
Trump: I dont know if Putin is comfortable releasing the tapes at this point. I will have to ask him if it helps us to do so.
“I’m fine with issuing a subpoena, but wouldn’t vote for it or want my name associated with it in any way.”
“I want to be Governor of Maine someday, and given the clowns from the northern part of the state voted for Paul LePage and Donald Trump…”
“He should give a straight yes or no to the question of whether or not the tapes exist," but he won’t and I’m fine with that,
“He should voluntarily turn them over not only to the Senate Intelligence Committee but to the special counsel,” but he won’t and I’m fine with that,
“I would be fine with issuing a subpoena," which he will ignore and I’m fine with that,
said the senator from Maine who has a long standing habit of saying things that sound reasonable and sane but then doing as instructed by the party bosses.
Trump (finally): “There are no tapes - I was just bullshitting you, playing for big ratings.”
Comey: “Oh, well here ya go - I had myself wired and taped the conversations because I know what a lying POS POTUS is.”
Collins: ”I don’t understand why the President just doesn’t clear this matter up once and for all.”
Bugs: “Here I go with the innocent, little, woodland creature bit again. It’s shameful, but…eh, it’s a living.”
It’s hard to reconcile Collins and LePage w the fact Maine gave us Ed Muskie. How can things turn to shit like this?
If he has tapes Trump would be really smart to release them. If he testifies under oath he will probably commit perjury with every question except for his name. The man just doesn’t know how to tell the truth.
He doesn’t have tapes, but he knows admitting it makes him look like a cuck.
In the off chance he actually has them, great! We get to hear them eventually.
Trump: “I never taped anyone I spoke to in the Whitehouse without their knowledge. And if I did, my personal lawyer and many other people have told me that it’s perfectly legal.”
How can things turn to shit like this?
Fox News and a lot of white social panic.
"I don’t understand why the President just doesn’t clear this matter up once and for all.”
Seriously, Senator Collins, where the hell have you been for the past eight years? I mean, Jeez, you’ve watched this man bullshit anyone and everyone, starting with his birther bullshit, and you still don’t understand why he can’t/won’t give a straight answer to a straight question? There are limits to how dumb people are willing to believe you are.
Ask the voters of Wisconsin the same question; Bob LaFollette is crying somewhere.
I would no more trust the veracity of any recordings he turns over than I would anything else he says
He Lies
He Cheats
He Cons
He is bereft of morals or ethics in any form
Senator Collins wants Trump investigated. She’s a “R.I.N.O!”
Trump will get back to her on this just as soon as he releases his tax returns.
My favorite idea is he has tapes that he thinks were destroyed and a copy finds its way to the Special Counsel.
Yes, a long shot but still possible given the character of the Oval Office Occupant.
Russ Feingold and Tammy Baldwin but then repeatedly voting for the worst governor ever and the stupidest Senator to ever disgrace the halls of congress. Never underestimate the power of right wing media on the minds and souls of tens of millions of Americans.