Discussion for article #228401
Good work. Make her eat one of her own crazy right wing statements every day until the election.
I’m not sure where this 4.7 Ernst lead comes from, but I’ll say this. Having seen a Tweet from a Braley staffer showing the support for Braley and Ernst before the debate, it’s possibly overstated. The photo contained in said Tweet showed plenty of people who showed up to the debate to support Braley, and practically no one who showed up to support Ernst, not even anyone wearing tri-cornered hats with tea hanging from them.
REgardlesS OF the LAW, THE states SHOUld PASS LAWs that KILL GOverNMENT OFFIciaLs whO coME inTO sOVerEIgn IOWA to FORce US to GEt NOBUMMercar AT the POInt OF a GUN. GOd and THE sUPreme COurt ARE on OUR SIDE!!1!!!1!one!!1!!!
Who is running Braley’s campaign that he should be trailing this castrater of swine?
That +4.7 turns -4.7 when we see that wig fly in a brisk mid-west wind.
Stupid teabagger candidate backs standard stupid teabagger crap. News at 11!
Just when I thought they couldn’t be more stupid…
These right-wing nuts talk about the Constitution, but they are grotesquely ignorant of it. Has she never heard of the Supremacy Clause, which basically says that Federal law takes precedence over state law in case of any contradiction?
As I stated, don’t listen to the polls. The photo I saw tweeted from a Braley staffer showed no one showing up to support Ernst before the first debate, whereas plenty of people showed up to support Braley.
Exactly. None have read the Constitution yet claim that is all that matters. Heck, gun nuts have no clue that the 2nd Amendment refers specifically to a “well-regulated” militia.
Joni Ernst is the Frankenstein monster and reincarnation of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Donnell wrapped into one. “She’s alive, she’s alive!!!”
I’m assuming this is a joke.
Which makes me wonder…if GOPers always tie Democratic candidates to Pres. Obama, as if it were the worst thing imaginable, why don’t we hear more of those comparisons (Ernst = Palin, endorsed by Palin, or Ernst = Angle, Bachmann, etc.) coming from the Democrats?
the !!!one!!!1!!! should give it away.
Because Democrats don’t want to play mean. Because if they do that, well, then (something something).
Or a lack of balls. Definitely one or the other. Maybe Ernst already castrated this guy back in her good old days.
Jodi should go back to something she actually understands … castrating pigs. She obviously doesn’t understand (or hasn’t read) the constitution that she’s using to hide her own ignorance.
Rare footage of Joni Ernst explaining her constitutional principles believed to have been uncovered here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FzJfxyugek
Her so called lead is in the category of ( disinformation) to discourage the weak minded and fence sitters. Go vote and vote decidedly Democratic. We have had enough of the Tea Party nut jobs in congress and adding to it will only make them more intransigent.