Discussion: GOPer Ernst Said She Supported Arresting Law Enforcement For Implementing Obamacare

and if arrest is in any way resisted? - use your fire arms?

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I suspect that she is not all there. Advocating breaking the law for politcal purposes was suppose to be the ‘evil’ from the 60’s that the GOP hates. Well I guess not when it is your axe to grind.


Oh my god, thank you for that. Thank you so much. Seriously.

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The nullification issue has been raised before, and it was supposed to be settled after how many American deaths? (That’s the quiz question for those who like to pretend the civil war never happened).

Which brings up another question – why are Republicans so willing to denigrate the memories of fallen soldiers from generations past? Why, it’s almost as if they only pander to living military members and their families out of political opportunism.


Hats of to TPM for this story and the difference it will make. This should do her in.

They have been using Palin against her. They’ve been hammering her on extremism. Everything you guys say they should be doing, they already are doing.

The reason she’s ahead is because there’s an avalanche of fucking Kochaganda blanketing the airwaves here, and the fucking rubes are too stupid to see through it.

This is a test run for the efficacy of propaganda over truth, and propaganda is winning.

Personally, every time I drive by a house with a fucking Ernst sign in front of it, arson crosses my mind.


Take your meds…You can use Obamacare to get some. :slight_smile:

Another idiot running for a federal position that doesn’t understand how the federal government works.


and here I thought Repubs were against standardized testing

Since you are rather new around here, you might be forgiven for not understanding the snark of Eustace.

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Like the bit about use Obamacare to get some meds though.


If Iowans want to arrest American authorities and nullify American laws in their state, which they will show if they elect this idiot, then America should treat Iowa like an enemy state. And embargo their products. Because all they do now is export high fructose corn syrup to America which is killing tens of thousands which is one of the reasons we need Obamacare.


The more I hear about Joni Ernst, the more I want to throw punches while weeping uncontrollably.


Sadly, I doubt this news will change a single voter’s mind. Or, at least, I doubt it will result in a net change either way.


“Stiles, who wasn’t with the the Campaign for Liberty in 2012, said she would have to get back to TPM on how arrests would be made.” Har deee har har.

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Tell it to President Romney sillypants.


Another dingbat for democracy

Fact 1: She’s crazy.
Fact 2: She’ll get elected.

Troll away, imbecile.


Too many sports metaphors, too many cardboard cowboy screen heroes, too much fake drama.

I recall an old “Gunsmoke” in which the posse was on, the horses dead tired. Matt doubled down (meaning: “not changed his mind”) and “pushed on”.

Next scene: a way station over the bend with fresh horses.

People are fed this crap (sports as life, “doubling down”) and go with it, especially when one is an old Bagger watching FUX, certain of his SS and Medicare pmts.

I am afraid that our main recourse is for those Americans not poisoned by FUX and Talk Radio to engage in behavior not common: voting.

Voting is something that we do not do in high amounts (at least, not younger people).

In addition, the MSM is not going to help us. They are going to run with this business of “both parties are at fault”.

I do pray. So does my wife. So does my particular “comunidad”. And, by the way, I am particularly impressed with one of your fellow “Tar Heels”:

Rev. William Barber

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