Discussion: GOP Senators Begin To Push Back On Trump's Migrant Family Separations

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no manchin, no feinstein. no mccaskill, no schumer, not even gillibrand, warren or markey? how gutless are these people

GOP pushback? Roughly equal to the energy emitted by a dying firefly…


I’m guessing they wanted it to look relatively balanced between Ds and Rs.


“Republicans on Capitol Hill have remained largely silent…”

How many articles have started with this sentence since 2015?

The demise of the nation is in their hands, they do nothing to stop it

words have no value with regards to how our government performs today

actions speak louder than words, and Republicans, who hold all power in DC, are paraplegics


Now that they’ve seen Trump act spineless towards Putin


History is not going to look kindly on those who did not stand up to Empty Dumpty’s maladministration.


And what do they plan to do about it? If moral outrage were enough, Trump would be out of office by now. Call out your congressional leaders. Shame those sitting on their hands. Come up with reasonable legislation. Urge your constituents to contact everyone who represents them. Do something more than wring hands. And act quickly!


I’m sending a letter to the letter brigade:


Try harder.

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Milquetoast letter.


The letter is respectful and my guess is that many folks don’t WANT TO BE RESPECTFUL on this issue. Had Feinstein e.g. signed this letter she would have been attacked by Progressives for being deferential to Trump.

This was a letter designed to “get” republican signatures. Its more telling who signed on their side, and who did not sign. Where is Dean Heller’s signature? The lack of one will be used against him this year. Ditto Ted Cruz.

These kind of things are designed to give cover to those who signed them (thinking you Corey Gardner, up in 2020 in CO) while also being used against those who did not sign them. Some sign because they think its the right thing to do (Lankford from time to time attempts to show he actually believes in the real not fake Jesus, Daines & Tillis actually appear at times to have shame.

As to Manchin and McCaskill, the issues plays very differently in their states. Or they were out, did not get the word, etc. Often times you can’t get signatures due to logistics.


Well this is nice…

So when the investigations begin, and I believe there are enough people in this country that want answers, my first question would be “Who thought that this would be a deterrent?” Followed by questioning that person, “Would you explain the timeline of your deterrent”.

See nothing hard about this. Every program should have a review, to see where we went right, and what we can do better next time, s/ though really this SOP for events.


All ten will be joining with their Democratic colleagues tomorrow in a vote to impeach the Stain on the Honor of the United States.



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So there are enough votes in the senate to pass something right now, if the republicans weren’t still just pretending to be human.

Can’t wait for the tweet calling them weak.

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Articles of impeachment are voted on in the House of Representatives.

Senators have fuck-all to do with it.

The trial takes place in the Senate.


This letter is way to long for Donald… it should have been summarized to 3 bullet points, then there might have been a chance he would read it. Adding illustrations would also up the probability of being read.


Begin? Really going out on the limb, talk about Profiles in Courage-Not!

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“This has gone on … just … long … enough!”

What percent of the GOP are the off-spring of Russian sleeper agents? On a related note, should we change the Cold War to Currently Active? It seems like we’re losing that war now.

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So they want to get credit for “doing something” without actually, y’know, doing anything.

You want to “prioritize the reunification of families and to ensure that, from this point forward, the default position of the United States of America is to keep families together.” Pass a bill to that effect. If Trump vetos, override the veto.

In other words, do your fucking job!