I stand with Trump! I want to be demeaned and objectified!
It’s like a sick parody of the kind of cowardice that was the norm among Democrats before Obama, now that I think about it. Which, unfortunately, suggests this is survivable for them as a party.
P.S. Here’s the “money graf”
Fischer now joins Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) in standing by Trump.
How surprising, except it’s not.
Someone warn Warren Buffet. Kansas stupidity is seeping north across the border.
So do we think this might mean Kerrey actually has a shot at beating her, if traditional Republican voters stay home in droves and Trumpers refuse to vote downballot to punish the party for betraying him?
Not sure how they walk that line. They are appalled by the things he says and disagree with many of his remarks. But they will support him because somehow Hillary’s policy differences with them are worse…And they think that Trump will do anything near what they want to be done if he actually won.
Stepford Courage.
This is why nothing gets done in Washington cowards like her cannot take a stand . Inf ct I just changed my voting for her to against het
If an Obama-like figure is looming on the horizon for them. Not seeing it now.
Odd……Rachel Maddow did a story last night about 2 Pence fundraisers being cancelled because not enough people would come, one was in Nebraska.
Unfortunately, some of the Kansas stupidity was already there. The Ricketts family is from Nebraska. Joe Ricketts was CEO of the company that because TD Ameritrade, located in Omaha. His family owns the Chicago Cubs. Son Pete Ricketts is governor of Nebraska.
All good points, but I’ll forgive them for owning the Cubs. Wait til this year…
Now there’s a profile in political courage.
If the GOP boots their 13 million angry white supremists out the door and forces them to form a nationlist party, and the Democrats follow the likes of Bernie further and further into Socialist territory, in 30 years the GOP may be the boring moderates.
Reminds me of the old phrase-
“They don’t know whether to shit or go blind!”
But the Libertarians hold positions that are anathema to many (not all) of the hypothetical sane GOPers. Not least among these is their stance on abortion. Libertarians tend to want to abolish central banks (Ron Paul’s particular hobby horse); Republicans tend to like central banks when they’re running things.
I don’t know what they are going to end up doing, but with Trump doing his rogue elephant thing they’ll have to do something.
On a more uplifting note, these stats from Nate Silver. There are more than enough intelligent women in this country to offset these morons. Oh, and the overwhelming majority of these morons are men So smart guys – we’ve got your back!
She isn’t up for re-election until 2018. More is the pity. She’s got to be scared of a primary.
What a loser. When is she up for re-election?
Profiles In Courage here…