Discussion for article #232957
That is gop/bag code for…NEVER!
How does statement impact the looming SCOTUS decision RE the ACA? In the event the SCOTUS guts the law, then, according to this GOP Senator, his party will not have an alternative ready until 2017.
The Rs controlled the Federal government for 6 years straight, Jan 2001 - Jan 2007.
They had every chance to address the health care crisis.
They didn’t bother then, and they would not bother in the future if they had the power to do so.
They do not pass any legislation that doesn’t have, as its primary goal, enriching themselves or their donors at the expense of the American People.
Simple as that.
And here I was expecting them to promote JONIERNSTcare where the churches will take care of the truly needy…
We’ll have an AWESOME health care plan in 2017. Unless you vote for Hillary, in which case we’ll be too busy ginning up reasons to shut down the government because we hate women almost as much as we hate black people.
Doesn’t impact the corrupted court at all since they will vote 5-4 to kill the subsides.
The kicker is that they won’t show you their plan until you vote them in.
Burr (under the saddle) Care is tax credits for people who buy their plans on the open market, financed by ending Medicaid and breaks for employer sponsored health care, as Jeebus told Dick.
That WILL happen just as sure as God made little green apples. Just take all the viral emails with Obama depicted as a monkey, Hitler, etc, and replace the face with Hillary’s. Throw in a few jokes about her thighs and First Husband Bill dealing with the White House staff eh, voila! we have 8 more years of jr high school misogyny.
Well to be fair, they’ve only been given 5 years now. And 7 years is the magic number to have come up with something, apparently. And do you really expect them to get anything done that helps the American people when this whole Benghazi thing is going on? They’ve got priorities too, you know.
Lamar Alexander said, why bother with a republican healthcare plan, just forget it altogether.
Alan Grayson already described your “plan” you fucking piece of shit.
“We won’t have a health care plan before 2017” … or after…
Since the passage of the ACA, the Republicans have been calling for repealing and replacing it.
5 years they’ve had to draft an alternative.
5 years.
And they still have nothing. And won’t for another 2 fucking years.
What the hell have they been doing all this time - because it sure has fuck has not been working for the American people!
They won’t do shit because they aint. got. shit.
Their plan is to let people fend for themselves, they just don’t want to come out and say it.
Nothing could possibly happen before 2017 in any case. The first problem, though not necessarily the biggest hurdle, is that doing “something” would be seen as validating the premise that the President was correct in saying there was a problem in the first place. The GOP credo is that the President can’t possibly be right about anything, so when he tried to solve a problem they MUST conclude there was no problem in the first place.
The bigger problem, however, is that any solution that does anything at all is going to end up looking almost exactly like the ACA…with a mandate. We all know that will never pass the GOP. The ultimate solution - single payer - would be a defeat on the scale of the Chitauri loss at New York, and like that battle, the carnage to get there would be monumental. That will only occur when there is enough will to ride roughshod over the remains of the GOP implosion…sometime after the 2016 elections.
Political malpractice.
And even holding them accountable to have something in 2 years is a stretch. As to what they’ve been doing this whole time basically boils down to this: trying to make Obama look bad. They’re a party that has nothing to do with love of country anymore. That bullshit ship has long since sailed. They’ve painted themselves into a corner by first lying to their constituents about everything from gun confiscation to Obama being a socialist/Kenyan/Muslim/terrorist sympathizer, and are now facing the consequences of having true believers holding public office. No ideas, no solutions, no reasonable debate or compromise, just seething irrational hatred because that’s all they’re programmed to do.
You’re right, SJK. The GOP cannot help themselves. But the question I have is why don’t the Democrats take advantage of this and hammer the GOP until the cows come home?!? GOpers have been promising to “repeal and replace” since the passage of the ACA. Yes, we all know it was a lie then and a lie now. But why haven’t the Democrats taken advantage of this big lie?
Boehner would repeatedly ask “Mr President, where are the jobs” when the economy was faring poorly. Over and over again. Now the Democrats should REPEATEDLY ask the GOP: Where is your Obamacare replacement? Over and over again. Since the media fails to do their job, the Democrats will have to drill this point and make it stick.
Seems to me the Republicans could easily find plenty of support for a national health care plan that was based on ideas put forward by the Heritage Foundation, and then implemented successfully at the state level by a Republican governor. Oh, wait …