America’s patients?
How about Americans’ patience, you self-serving POS?
America’s patients?
How about Americans’ patience, you self-serving POS?
Sure they have a plan…Keep voting to repeal, and fuck people who can’t afford outrageous premiums.
We need to turn this country into the new low-wage capital of the world… This is just PART of the plan.
You’re assuming Democrats would be tuning in to a message challenging the do-nothing Rs. Sadly they’re not. Somewhere in September or October 2016, they’ll start to look up, then tune out again until the same time 2020. I have no reason to believe anybody’s interested in the truth of what Rs are doing. .
Hey…What’s going on with the underinflated footballs…Who gives a shit about America’s Public Health problems?
Sorry… It’s now the Grammys…
I will gladly pay you Tuesday in 2017 for a hamburger today.
J Wellington Wimpy
The levee (if you will) which protects the Republicans is the MSM.
Simple as that.
Granted that FOX is a helluva cheerleading vehicle for the True Believers, but to create a false “reality” that the Republican Party is anything but a degenerated cult 100% in the pockets of the 0.001% takes something like what the MSM have been doing since the age of Reagan (and even before, according to some sociologigts).
We saw this with Lauer and Todd insisting that this business about vaccinations is a “bipartisan” issue.
So many youngsters brag about “social media” as a counterweight to the depravity of the MSM. I beg to differ. In terms of their ability to create a sense of a social and political reality, the MSM still have a host of. advantages.
It’s very discouraging when footballs get coverage from the “liberal media” as well as the mistaken Seattle Seahawks play. It’s easier. Grammys, Oscars, onward!
Because the Democrats are spineless wimps and the “good cop” to the Republican’s “bad cop” who both are working for the 1%!
Last election I kept waiting for the commercials showing the Republicans acting like two year olds throwing a temper tantrum and costing the economy billions of dollars, but those commercial never came.
Don’t get me started with the Democratic Senate candidate to cowardly to say that she voted for the head of her party!
That was the last straw for me with the spineless Democrats because I now detest them more than I detest the Republicans, and I never thought that would be humanly possible.
GOP are running away from Healthcare as fast as they possibly can. 2017 - no one believes that fairy tale.
My feelings exactly. And I would still rather vote for the Democratic Party.
At least Burr is being honest, the plan he cosponsored with Sen. Hatch and former Sen. Coburn wasn’t well received in the senate so the problems in the house will be magnified. He understands it will be just another example of a GOP circular firing squad. He is up for reelection and doesn’t want his name attached to efforts to repeal the ACA.
Sure - repeal it now … and the GOP message to those who lose coverage - ’ Be Well! ’ …
and get a job …
In other words, let us destroy the ACA and we’ll have a replacement as soon as we get one of our guys in the White House. We have a plan, we just can’t tell you what it is. Some of it involves the Electoral College. If one of our guys doesn’t get in the White House, we’ll continue with our obstruction.
The Kochs do very well “fending for themselves”.
In other words, he really really thinks the GOP/Teatrolls are going to take the WH in 2016 and will keep Congress such that they can do whatever the fuck they want, and he doesn’t want to bother doing anything until then.
That false equivalence does nothing but serve the GOP/Teatroll agenda.
His thinking is in critical condition…
Claiming the ACA as a a Republican creation and blaming the Democrats for stealing it would have been a more effective ploy for them, and true.
They even fucked that up.
He really meant 3017.
Only another thousand years or so for sick folks to hold out. Shouldn’t be an issue, right?