Discussion for article #246368
They don’t care about the good of the country, not one bit.
Roberts has been a vocal critic of Obama’s goal to close the prison and instead house detainees in prisons on U.S. soil. When Obama administration officials traveled to Kansas to assess the military prison at Fort Leavenworth as a potential site to house Guantanamo detainees, Roberts urged Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter to keep the detainees out of Kansas.
Ah, another Rhodes Scholar from Kansas!
I thought this moron was dead. Oh well, we can only hope.
You can expect this kind of behavior to continue and escalate as the election year proceeds. They think they’re in a position where they can finally just take the gloves off and openly do whatever disrespectful shit they feel like now…without pretense or any superficial veil of civility…because they’re finally almost “rid of him” and they believe the clock is so close to running out as to not really matter anymore. I say please proceed. One or more of them is going to go way too far with the gleeful disrespect and it’s going to backfire like most of their bullshit.
Where is the decorum? Once a proud staple of the high chamber, it has become nothing more than a distant memory. Even Bob Dole would be disgusted by this display of utter disrespect.
Close all military bases in Kansas. It is not secure.
It’s hilarious how all these pussy republicans all talk tough but are afraid of housing terrorist suspects (remember, none of them have been convicted of anything) in our most secure prisons. Fucking cowards. Just like Trump, Rubio, and Cruz- all bluster-filled cowards with tiny penises.
The joke will be on him. Gitmo was created by Executive Order, it can be closed by Executive Order.
The level of disrespect these fucking racist clowns are exhibiting is off the charts. This is pathetic. Truly pathetic.
This is what happens when the governance of now is controlled by the ignorance of then.
“The installation lies right on the Missouri River, providing terrorists with the possibility of covert travel underwater and attempting access to the detention facility.”
Terrorists could also recruit Opposite Universe Batman and Superman to free the detainees. They'd then join forces with Mr. Freeze and Penguin to rule the world!!!! Arghhh!!!!!!!
Fucking children.
Yea, no disrespect here…
Be afraid, stupid Republicans. Be very afraid.
Hopefully the good voters of Kansas will return the favor. That’s some “respect the office,” Pat; how did you feel about the Dixie Chicks? Oh, I forgot, that rule only holds when a Republican is sitting in the Oval Office. A hearty “fuck you” to Senator Roberts; you are an embarassment.
Is PBO setting his Phaser on Maximum Trolling?
This must be the Trump effect - so far today we’ve had Rep. Issa urging senior military officers to mutiny, professional dis-enfranchiser Kris Kobach calling the League of Women Voters Communists, and now Sen. Pat Roberts flinging eighth-grade level abuse at President Obama. They’re not going to go gently, and they seem determined to throw away every last vestige of respect that once attached to public office.
“…providing terrorists with the possibility of covert travel underwater…”
Oh geez, everyone knows Arabs can't swim. Or is that black people? They can dance, right? Black people, that is. Arabs only dance in New Jersey when buildings collapse. Did I get all that right? I need a couple bucks. Hey, you, you're a Jew, right? Can you spot me a fiver?
Let’s see… there was Louie Gohmert(!) and his Terror Babies, and now there’s Pat Roberts and his Scuba Ninjas of Terror…
Scientists are analysing deceased football players’ brains, and finding evidence of damage incurred after careers playing the game. I wonder if future scientists will be able to diagnose atrophy of the intelligence based on years of addiction to fearmongering?