No point in reinventing the wheel. This sums up Grassley for me.
So, Senator, do your job, as outlined in the Constitution. You remember, that thing you swore an oath to uphold? No fine print. No “unless the President is from the opposing political party in his last year in office.” No “maybe I just don’t feel like it.” Most Americans live in a world with this rule: Do your job or get out of the way and let somebody else do it.
(Grassley was alluding to a speech that Vice President Joe Biden made in
1992 when he was chair of the Senate Judiciary committee discouraging
then President George H.W. Bush from filling a hypothetical Supreme
Court vacancy. Biden now says Republicans are taking the speech out of
Republicans are ABSOLUTELY taking Biden’s comments out of context. Biden never refused to hold hearings for a SC nominee, and he was referring specifically to the possibility of a SC justice manipulating the court by retiring just so Bush would be able to name a replacement before Clinton took office. The comments would not have applied to a justice who died. Repubs only started referring to the comments as “The Biden Rule” when it suited them for their current obstruction, more than 25 years after Biden made the comments.
Why is there no accountability for failing to uphold the Constitution as he has sworn to do? I am not just talking about losing a election. Shouldn’t failing to uphold the Constitution hold serious consequences? It does not get more un-American than ignoring on the foundation of the nation. At this point it seems that his sworn oath is meaningless. And why in the world doesn’t anyone hold his feet to the fire on this?
“So physician, heal thyself,” he added.
So Senator, Fucketh thyself.
Can someone remind me where the learned Judiciary chair got his law degree?
GrASSley needs to retire.
“(Grassley was alluding to a speech that Vice President Joe Biden made in 1992 when he was chair of the Senate Judiciary committee discouraging then President George H.W. Bush from filling a hypothetical Supreme Court vacancy. Biden now says Republicans are taking the speech out of context.)”
The author should be ashamed for writing this. The reason that Biden says the Republicans are taking his speech out of context is because they are. And all the author would have to do is to read Biden’s entire speech to see that. But of course, it’s much easier to play the “A said-B said” game engaged in by today’s “political journalists.”
“So physician, heal thyself,” he projected.
Statistics show that TPM authors have no shame.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who as chair of the Judiciary Committee is on the front lines of Republicans’ battle to block President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, accused conservative Chief Justice John Roberts of being “part of the problem” when it comes to the politicization of the Supreme Court.
Sorry, Charlie, but that ship left port long before Roberts was Chief Justice. I believe it was called Bush v. Gore.
“Grassley brought up again Roberts’ concerns that Americans view the
Supreme Court as a branch no different than the two others in its
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)”
I almost feel sorry for Roberts. Whatever his political beliefs, he seems genuinely to want to keep the Supreme Court from circling down the toilet of what passes for politics in this country. Typical Rovian tactic to attack his greatest strength.
Hmm. It appears the Senator Grassley of Iowa is a couple of kernels short of the entire cob.
Grassley typically tempers his patent Republican hypocrisy with a dash of fake comity, except when the tea mob is knocking.
Like Moran, he now answers only to the wackedout right.
Sorry, Charlie. The politicizer was Scalia. Hopefully the upside down practice of think tanks, which are backed by corporate wealth, hiring lawyers to recruit whatever plaintiffs they deem necessary, to gain standing to file whichever lawsuit the corporate pay masters want filed, has died with him.
Finally, even Clarence Thomas might get it right occasionally.
Every time your issue loses at the Supreme Court, it is political. Every time it wins, it is upholding the letter of the law based on noble principles.
Chuck you are really looking like a whiney old grump. Do your job!
Grassley is now in firm grasp of Conservative senility.
Every time THE GRASSHOLE speaks he proves he’s even more of a whore that we thought he was before…