A true profile in courage.
He is in a situation of his own making trying yo have it both ways.
Heller and Flake will both be stuck to Trump because of party affiliation.
After the photo of Heller posing with Tiki Rager, Cvjetanovic, surfaced, Heller must know he’s hosed and might as well admit voting for 45
Old Yeller Heller…
Let me guess, this brave Republican Senator also dodged the draft while supporting America’s wars and global interventionism. He’s a lot more like Trump than not…party over country.
Much like the man he voted for, too little, too late. There is no excuse for casting a ballot for the most unqualified, deplorable and wortheless candidate for the Presidency to run since…forever. Hope you lose your job, Senator; I’m sure there is a position at Fox or the Heritage Foundation just waiting for a person of your talents.
This is worse than Heller. While he couldn’t have known who some rando is, the picture shows College Republicans/Young Republicans across the country are infested with Pepe bros, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis.
Shorter Heller: I support White Supremacy.
This is stealable, Max.(he said approvingly)
Watch your back…
Really lousy timing Senator Of all weeks to finally stop playing coy - you now admit you voted for Trump?
Days after he raises the specter of nuclear saber rattling, then he can’t be bothered to get off the golf course to respond in real time to the escalation in Charlottesville, and when that turns fatally violent, he can’t condemn neo nazis and white supremacists - and when he does (2 days later) he promptly retweets a social media alt-right star.
Sen. Heller doesn’t strike me as a terribly bright man.
Actually, more like a profile in stupidity, admitting before your reelection campaign that you voted for a guy whose approval rating is down to 36% and falling.
Bye Bye Mean Dean!
Profile in Discourage.
"GOP Senator Heller Reveals ‘WATER IS WET’ "
I’m really tired of fixing all these headlines and not getting paid, Josh. Throw me a fucking bone, man!
He has the worst timing and sense of retail politics!
The coward reveals himself
So he is complicit. The real question is why admit it right now?
If any of the people who run for Congress and nowadays for the presidency had to be tested beforehand, they’d fail, and we’d see nothing but empty offices all around Washington… Law degrees don’t count towards being smart.