Discussion: GOP Seeks Last-Ditch Laws In States Where Its Power Slipped

The GOP.

Rat-fuckers at their best…


AP gets it right:

this Republican Party doesn’t care about their [voters’] voice, their perspective

The GOP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. Charles doesn’t pay them to respect norms, share governance, or safeguard our institutions.


Gotta love this GOP - if they can’t steal your vote upfront by making it impossible for you to register or to vote or by changing it electronically or manually, they will make laws making sure your vote is diluted to the maximum extent possible.

The GOP hates the American people.


So essentially they passed a law to keep their seats and pre-empt it from being on the ballot (thus also helping them keep their seats), and now that the election is over they will un-pass it.

I know that campaign promises are made to be broken, but this is ridiculous.


In this past election MO had a proposition on the ballot to raise the MO gas tax ( we have the lowest in the country and hasn’t been raised since the early 90s), but when one read the proposition and analysed the language it was written to raise the gas tax to fund highway projects and bridge repairs, but (big but here) two thirds of the money was to go to the highway patrol. They tried this 6 years ago to raise the gas tax, but earlier in the year they cut taxes on businesses and the wealthy, so it got voted down.
This was the same time that Republicans were pushing for “local control” and St. Louis voters voted to raise the minimum wage, the legislature said hell no and wrote legislation to nullify that vote.


GOP politics is almost all cheating these days. No new legislation being passed, and instead all the innovation is being done on the level of finding and exploiting loopholes, gerrymandering and voter suppression, and bending rules to maintain power.

I really think that there are a lot of important things for the Democrats to do, but perhaps nothing is as important for sustaining democracy as voting rights, campaign finance reform, and establishing independent redistricting systems.


Could they be any more disgusting?


Yes, just like the Nazis burned as many documents as they possibly could before the Allies arrived.


That’s okay.

We’ll pass a law saying registered Republicans must vote in the dead of night in an alley downtown where the street lamp has gone out.

I mean, we want to be fair to all sides.


Quit picking on the noble rat by tarring them with the odious funk of these bastards.


I think a law that has one voting booth in the most remote corner of every rural county is about right.


It’s worse than that. They passed the law to keep it from being approved at the ballot, so they could then repeal the law for example Whitmer (likely) took office, so they could repeal with simple majority rather than supermajority that would be needed to repeal when passed at ballot otherwise.


Also sending out election day reminders to Rs only that the upcoming election whatever year it may be will be on a Wednesday.


I was thinking assholes to the end.


Not to date you but you’re old enough to know — and recognize — that the last truly elected Rethugliklan POTUS was Eisenhower.

For the younger crowd:

Nixon: Scuttled ending of the Vietnam War. He sent Kissinger to tell the Vietnamese negotiators “we” would make them rich if they played along. They did.
Fun Fact: The Vietnamese call it the American War.

Reagan: Scuttled the release of the Iranian hostages that Carter had negotiated. His henchmen worked out the “arms for hostages” agreement, commonly known as Iran-Contra.

Bush (Shrubya): Installed to office through a SCOTUS decision that said — in writing! — that its judgement should not be used as precedent. Okay.

tRump: Over three million people can’t be wrong. Moreover, the Electoral College’s “electors” were pressured to vote against their (alleged) constituents. They did. It was in all the papers. (/s)


The GOP is an Evil entity that must be politically eliminated, exterminated, and destroyed so that our Nation arises into a new era of civilization that can lead the world foward as a beacon for eradicating antiquated authoritarian Evil worldwide.

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Republicans seem unfazed by criticism that scaling back the measures would thwart the will of voters

If the GOP could adopt a new motto, it would be “Thwarting the will of the voters”.


Almost forgot…

And subsequent Republican governors can’t change it.

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One set of rules while on offense, and another set on defense. Why didn’t the Vikings think of that?

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