Something similar happened in OH during the bush regime. Seriously. Local R functionaries sent reminders to Ds saying be sure to vote on Wednesday, November whatever. Can’t elaborate more than that without the Google machine.
Republicans downplay the tactics and point out that Democrats have also run lame-duck sessions, including in Wisconsin in 2010 before Walker took office and the GOP took control of the Legislature.
Because, you know, one wrong, two wrongs, doesn’t matter what’s right, eh?
If McConnell could block a SCOTUS appointment because a president had “only a year left” in his term, then why do these fuckers think it’s OK to make last minute rules changes on their way out the door?
They put rules in place that hampered the opposition when they gained a majority, and in some case are now taking away as they lose it. Corrupt “party politics” with no regard for Citizens First…
And of course, blame the opposition for what you do…
(ETA) I won’t consider the GOP a legitimate party until they start taking some responsibility for their own actions. Instead of always saying stuff like (when hand caught in cookie jar), “Susie stole a cookie first!!!” Like that somehow erases or justifies their own behavior…
The moves would follow midterm elections in which Democrats swept statewide offices in Michigan and Wisconsin for the first time in decades.
This is true only if your definition of “decades” is exactly eight years.
They also disassembled the 5 death camps on the eastern front before the allies got there. We would never have known about them if some Jews who were forced to work in them had not rebelled and escaped.