Discussion: GOP Rep Uses Bizarre Logic To Disprove Cohen's Claim That Trump Is Racist

One black person speaks for all black people. Hooray!


gooper’s at the hearing: how dare you!! arglebargle, snarl, we’ll get you and your little dog, too."


The GOP is not exactly covering itself in glory today.

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Tokenism at its finest.


Next up we will bring you a porn star Trump didn’t pay to have sex with.

He didn’t pay you for sex?


See it’s a lie.


GOP Rep Uses Bizarre Logic To Disprove Cohen’s Claim That Trump Is Racist

Whats Lynn Patton going to say, “yeah he is a racist, but I need the job anyway”. What’s more they could bring Trump’s black mistress and that would not prove he is not a racist, even Strum Thurmond had one.


WOW. MM is using the ‘guess who’s coming to dinner’ defense? Amazing. DO whitesplain for us Mark.


I feel like this always needs repeating:
You can employ black folks, have a couple of black friends, enjoy having sex with black folks, but none of that makes you NOT racist just as employing women, loving the women in your life, and being a heterosexual male who really likes having sex with women and still be a misogynistic bag of dicks.


The goppers haven’t covered themselves in glory since Dwight D. Eisenhower; and he was the only one.


If memory serves, literally the first time Donald Trump came to public attention was for a housing discrimination civil rights lawsuit against him and his father, which they settled under a consent decree in which without admitting guilt they promised to abide by the Fair Housing Act and do other things to compensate for the situation they’d created.


Soooooo, “nuh uh, not racist…Trump has a black friend”? Really? REALLY? THAT is the best they could do? This shit is hilarious.


Some of them had some fine hours…our former Senator Mark Hatfield, for example, was a principled and consistent opponent of the Vietnam misadventure. I think President Reagan deserves credit for partnering with Gorbachev over the objections of his hawkish advisors and President Bush for his restraint when the Berlin Wall came down. And W gets some props for standing up against Muslim scapegoating after 9-11. But admittedly these are few and far between and non-existent since '08.

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This whole thing is taking on the aspect of rooting for a disgruntled swamp hydra to go slay the Great Orange Dragon for us. I’d urge caution who our friends are.

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What a joke. Trump’s obviously an old school bigot who thinks God color-coded humans so he’d know what jobs we’re good for and how much he should pay us. For many jobs, he’ll ONLY hire people of color and the more desperately illegal, the better. Just another reason Trump’s supporters would hate him the most if he were a Democrat.


That’s a good point and worth keeping in mind. But you can distinguish between the legal standard, which as I understand it is basically once a liar never credible, and the normal life standard, which is that a person who stuck to the cover story might get mad and start naming names, and that’s the more truthful, credible part. Also things are credible if they fit with a larger pattern, and boy does everything Cohen’s saying do that. The Trump he’s describing is the Trump we’ve seen this whole time.


My best friend is a black man.

  • George Wallace

“Meadows said that Patton didn’t agree with Cohen’s allegations that Trump was a racist and brought up that Patton said that, as a daughter of a man born in Birmingham, she would never work for a racist.”

  1. she’s a birther (don’t @ me)

  2. bookmarking

Eisenhower may have been the last one, but he wasn’t the only one. Among presidents, there was Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln and, um, well, I’m thinking. Maybe Grant, in spite of the scandals, was okay.