Discussion: GOP Rep On Ethics Committee Settled Misconduct Case Of His Own

Fun fact: This is an outrageously gerrymandered district, and now it’s more possible the good guys could grab it back anyway. Bummer when you fight dirty and still don’t win, innit, Rethugs?


The kettle is sure to get off then —


Yep. R+1. Buh-bye, Pat!


What breathtaking hubris.

To think you can be on the Ethics committee and “lead” the fight against sexual harassment and think your own past wouldn’t be investigated. I almost expect him to say he’s the right man for the job, see, because he has experience.

Just because Trump gets away with all sorts of immoral, unethical, illegal behavior doesn’t mean other Republicans get a pass too.


Republican ethics in a nutshell.


That’s right - it’s the old IOKIYAR


Unfortunately, according to the NYT, serious dem contender had to withdraw in December after allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. At least he’s out of the picture now, but geez.

The way Meehan’s office and the Ethic committee handled this is disgusting. Obviously, congressmen have a long way to go to fix this problem.


just ’ a little ’ OT … but ethics nevertheless –


Being on the Ethics Committee, ones’ qualifications merely depend on what the definition of “ethics” is…

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They use this district as their example in the following article.

Since day one. Can not wait to vote this fucker out.


republican ethics seem to end on the border of the nutshell. I hate myself. No, I don’t.

@greysea I archived this article and made a hard copy when it was first pulbished. It’s invaluable.


"After this article was published online on Saturday, John Elizandro, Mr. Meehan’s communications director, issued a statement saying that the congressman “denies these allegations” and “has always treated his colleagues, male and female, with the utmost respect and professionalism.”

Mr. Meehan called on the former aide to waive the confidentiality agreement in the settlement “to ensure a full and open airing of all the facts.” Mr. Elizandro did not respond to follow-up questions about why Mr. Meehan had agreed to the settlement and the confidentiality provision if the allegations were false."

Meehan has always been a two-faced political hack. Not surprising he is on the ethics committee while sexually harassing a staff member. Married and father of 3, but I guess that is irrelevant in the time of Trump affairs. As usual, great family values. MAGA.


Hey GOP, that red dam you built in PA looks like it’s about to burst.


Meehan reportedly expressed his romantic interest in a decades-younger aide, and retaliated against her professionally after she became involved in a serious relationship outside the office and rejected his overtures.

As Jesus intended, not doubt…


“Hillary Clinton almost won his swing district in 2016.” - TPM

“his district, which is considered among the nation’s most gerrymandered, was carried narrowly by Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.” - NYT

I am at a loss to find district results for the 2016 Presidential vote, but will go with the NYT on this one as the more populated counties of Chester, DelCo, MontCo went for Clinton, while the more rural counties of Berks, Lancaster went Trump.

For you PA locals, funny piece on the Republican in the next district over (6th?)

Costello sees a crime at his home (no one else does)

By Holly Otterbein STAFF WRITER

Rep. Ryan Costello (R., Pa.) was suspicious of people at his house, said they were sent by rival Chrissy Houlahan. Actually, they were from Planned Parenthood.

Was GOP Congressman Ryan Costello the victim of dirty politics this weekend, or the mastermind behind it?

We’ll give you the facts — the weird, winding, paranoid facts — and let you decide.

Costello is facing one of the toughest reelection campaigns in the country. President Trump lost his district in 2016. The leader of his own party’s congressional campaign arm said that his challenger, Democrat Chrissy Houlahan, is “very strong.” Tensions, in other words, are running high.

During the weekend, Costello wrote on Facebook that a “disturbing” political incident had taken place at his house. He claimed that two “associates” of Houlahan had gone onto his property on Saturday, snapped pictures of his home, and intimidated his wife. “Families should always be off limits,” he said. “We were able to get some footage of the incident and hope these individuals will be apprehended.”

Houlahan wrote on Facebook that “this incident had nothing to do with me” and she was nonetheless “sorry to hear what happened.” Costello took this as an admission of guilt: He said he would “accept [Houlahan’s] apology” as long as she asked her allies “to stop this type of behavior.”

That left Clout with questions. So many questions. What crime was Costello accusing these people of? How did he know they were tied to Houlahan? And was he sure they weren’t just the Google Street View guys?

A Costello aide told us that they were clearly Houlahan supporters because of the words they used as well as the fact that they had been driving a rental car. This aide also said that they had trespassed, and that an investigation was underway. But these details seemed … lacking. Perhaps the local police, whom Costello had thanked on Facebook for their “quick response” to the incident, could tell us more.

West Goshen Township Police Capt. Greg Stone didn’t mince words: “Just to let you know, there was no crime committed.” He said the issue was “closed on our end.”

Upon being informed of the West Goshen police’s comments, Costello spokeswoman Andrea Bozek said something new: The U.S. Capitol Police “have [an] active investigation.” The USCP told us they “do not comment on ongoing investigations,” but the West Goshen police report revealed more information on this twist: The local cops talked to the USCP about Costello’s complaints, and they were “fine with [West Goshen’s] explanation of the situation.”

Another clue was tucked into the police report: The people at Costello’s house had apparently uttered “something about Planned P a r e n t h o o d . ” S u r e enough, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund said it canvassed that day in Costello’s neighborhood against the effects of Trump’s tax bill on health care. Mrs. Costello asked them to leave, and that was the end of that, the group said.

We told Costello that we had solved the mystery, but it only left him more suspicious: “I think that just makes it all the more weird and creepy, to be honest with you.”


Maybe he’ll choose not to run again in order to spend more time with his fam. About 30 Repug congresscritters who aren’t running for re-election in November. Maybe enough heat during Shutdown will encourage more quitters. I know I’ll be calling my swing district R congressman Monday. Already sent email.

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What a guy! How the f@@k did we end up like this? Assholes just overflow congress and the WH. It is said you get the government you vote for. Or deserve. Can anyone point to a congressman (not woman) who could be a Profile in Courage? I did not include woman because I believe Tammy Duckworth could qualify also Senator McCain

Like Devin Nunes, the GOP likes to put the local fox in charge of the Henhouse Oversight Committee du jour.


Totally endorse Rep. Duckworth.

The other ‘candidate’ - not so much