Discussion: GOP Rep On Ethics Committee Settled Misconduct Case Of His Own

Putting the “ick” in “ethics”

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Just saw on my RSS feed NYT says Meehan removed from ethics panel. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ryan-removes-meehan-from-ethics-committee/ar-AAuWKMj

Meehan now faces an investigation by the Ethics Committee, according to a spokeswoman to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). wapo


“Give it back!”
“Give it back!”
“Give it back!”


From the NYTimes, Meehan’s response to the news:

Congressman Meehan denies these allegations. Throughout his career he has always treated his colleagues, male and female, with the utmost respect and professionalism.

In this case, the employee, represented by counsel, made certain assertions of inappropriate behavior which were investigated. With respect to resolving any allegation made against the office, Congressman Meehan would only act with advice of House Counsel and consistent with House Ethics Committee guidance. Every step of the process was handled ethically and appropriately. At Congressman Meehan’s request, the congressional attorneys handling the case have asked the complainant’s counsel to release all parties from the confidentiality requirements of the agreement to ensure a full and open airing of all the facts. The Congressman is hopeful that they will agree to this request for full transparency.

Rep. Meehan believes there must be real reform to the process for resolving complaints so that those who are truly wronged are given a fair forum to be heard and vindicated, and those accused are provided with an ability to respond to baseless accusations. The public to whom elected officials are answerable must be provided with a true sense of the facts and circumstances involved.

In response to Mr. Meehan’s statement, a lawyer representing his former aide, whose name The New York Times is not publishing, released the following statement:

In a desperate effort to preserve his career, Rep. Meehan has now asked my client to waive confidentiality so he can deny well-grounded allegations knowing full well that his former staffer prizes her privacy above all else. Mr. Meehan demanded confidentiality to resolve the matter, presumably so that the public would never know that he entered into a settlement of a serious sexual harassment claim.

Now that it has become public— due to no fault of my client’s—he is flouting his legal obligations and is speaking publicly. We will not allow our client to be victimized twice by this man. If he further violates the confidentiality strictures he insisted upon and he agreed to, we will seek legal recourse on our client’s behalf.

If Meehan is innocent why did he use taxpayers’ money to settle this case and insist on hiding the settlement from the taxpayers? That sounds like embezzlement to me. Just sayin’. To me it looks that now the cat’s out of the bag, he claims he wants everything out in the open, knowing the staffer wants to preserve her privacy and probably won’t open herself up to being hounded by the press. I could be mistaken.


rejected his overtures.

After repeated rejections, Kilgore Trout finally left music and became a science fiction writer.



Truly one of the great oxymorons in the English language.



My son’s best friend all through high school.

This is a R+1 PVI district. It’s winnable. Meehan has a $ advantage but won’t be able to outrun these allegations. Dems have a pretty good chance of picking up this district.

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TPM made a mistake. The NYT is right: she won it by 2 percentage points.


And Just this past week in Western Pennsylvania, Donnie called " My good Friend"
Pat Meehan, come on up on the stage Pat… Pat Meehan “Your doing a great
job Pat” " Pat I got a name for you, Stormy Davis" She’s a good time Pat,
Expensive ($130,000.00) but a good time.

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About time. CNN this am

(CNN)House Speaker Paul Ryan removed Rep. Patrick Meehan from the House Ethics Committee on Saturday following a news report that the Pennsylvania Republican used thousands of dollars in taxpayer money to settle a sexual misconduct complaint against him by a former aide.

Ryan told Meehan he must repay whatever taxpayer funds were used to settle the case and, although he has denied the allegations, be investigated by the Ethics Committee.

If he were a Dem Senator from MN he’d be gone by now.

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Gotta love Sen Duckworth.


This also played on MSNBC this morning. Duckworth is a jewel.

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I have difficulty in the use of the words Congressmen and ethics in the same sentence. Since history has proven that, men or women, Dem or Rep, they are a bunch of corrupt thieves.

Republican white nationalism (Nazi rule) where they use tax payer money for anything else other than helping our citizens in need! They use our money to pay off their assault victims, to pay off and bribe judges, and waste millions on military fly overs and ads that enrich the NFL billionaires.

Republicans are the shit hole party!