Discussion for article #227441
Well, DUH!
OMG! A republican discovers the Teabaggers are unprincipled!
Thanks, Congressman Obvious!
So that explains the text from IHeartRadio that my finace’ received yesterday regarding Glenn Beck having new information on the Benghazi attack.
I hope those so-called ‘commandos’ can live with themselves, creating a farce and a lie to make some money on the lives of their countrymen.
Guess who ISN’T going to be invited on FOX to share that information?
He’s not running for re-election.
True, but he just lost the possibility of becoming a FOX mainstay.
CIA “commandos” ?
This is what happens when you mix in a group of unfeed navy seals and a couple of trained lawyers, for your main act.
Wasn’t that “special report” breathlessly hosted by Bret Baier, you know, the so-called “respectable” journalist at Fox. Even the alleged “news” people at Fox are one small step away from Hannity’s raving lunacy.
If you haven’t notice the majority of the well heeded House members retiring, disappear into other networks, MIC/WS. The POS Cheney and Eric Cantor compared to Morning Joe.
“The lawyers asked that none of their testimony be released until after their book was out and being sold,” he said when asked if his committee tried to intimidate the commandos during its investigation"
Wait a minute. Are the these “commandos” and their lawyers alleging that the REPUBLICAN led House Intelligence Committee tried to “intimidate” them?
Now, why would the House Intelligence Committee and it’s REPUBLICAN leadership attempt to intimidate to hide evidence on something that they’ve been obsessing about forever?
I am shocked, shocked to find that capitalism is going on here.
Your book profits, sir.
Oh, thank you very much.
BINGO!!! You are dead on. The man may have a principle after all.
Rep Rogers has his new radio show after he retires, so he doesn’t need FOX.
Pay no attention to the newly-birthed concern troll. Probably Beej attempting to be an EmoProg
Ironic, coming from the GOP Rep who wants to make money attempting to be the next Rush Limbaugh!
Coming soon to the “50¢ Bin” at a library sale near you!
At the last friends of the library book sale I went to, they had about 25 copies of The Whore of Babble On’s book that patrons had donated. Still there on the last day when everything was a quarter.
There’s no way this latest sockette of the day is a progressive. It must truly pain the author to write this way considering his Tea Party activity…