Discussion: GOP Rep. On Benghazi Book Touted By Fox: Authors Want To Make Money

Another Rush Limbaugh would be two too many.

Probably donations from some megachurch that couldn’t give them away.

I predict her next ghost-written crapsterpiece will be published by Word or Bethany, one of the Jeezus Junk specialists.

“It was the commander on the ground making the decision. I think it took 23 minutes before they all, including that commander, by the way, got in a car and went over and rescued those individuals.”

I can’t wait to see Republicans try to make 23 minutes of on the ground decision making, along with with 2 minutes of State Department talking points back from September 2012, into the major issue of the 2016 presidential election.

Vote Republican, because these combined 25 minutes are the most important 25 minutes in American history that matters! Totally going to work…

bzzzztt. And thank it for playing!

I forgot about that - although his honesty here could still jeopardize his far-right credibility on his radio program.

The user name reminds me of the “DemsOut20142016” or RepealACA2012" troll that pops up here from time to time.

Yep. He’ll show Eric Cantor how to make more money than investment banking.

I am the attorney for the five CIA security team members who authored the book. I am the ONLY attorney for the team.

This article completely misinterprets what Congressman Rogers said in his interview. He is by no means criticizing my role in the publication of the book. He is actually criticizing the comments made by the attorney who represents Mr. Hicks, a State Department official, who appeared earlier on a Fox broadcast and offered her own personal comments about the House Intelligence Committee’s interactions with the team, which I actually disagree with (and I was present throughout the entire process). While it is true I asked that my clients’ testimony not be revealed I had no control whether or not the testimony would ever be released. In fact, it has not been released due to reasons completely separate and apart from anything I said or did, nor do we have any objection to its release.

In fact, if you watch the interview Congressman Rogers gave he completely supports my clients, calls them “very brave souls” and says he hopes “everyone buys their book.” Obviously he would not say that if he thought they were only out to make money. Anyone, especially in the news media, is welcome to contact the HPSCI and ask for a clarification and they will support what I wrote above. And for the record, I don’t earn any extra money based on the sales of the book.

You can watch the interview here and judge for yourself: http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/09/09/republican-congressman-goes-on-fox-to-call-out/200693

Mark S. Zaid, Esq.
Washington, D.C.