Discussion for article #223992
I doubt it. If they thought it would pass, they’d do it.
Another dingbat - Bring it on. Stop talking and do something, for once in your life. Moron…
this guy in plain english is full of shit. just do it coward talk is cheap.
> “He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws, and ignoring the checks and balances,” Barletta said during an appearance on a local radio show.
I need for Rep. Barletta to give some concrete examples, with the corresponding legal evidence, otherwise he’s just talking crap. I really want to know why these Republican Congressmen and Senators continue to say the President is breaking law, A, B, C as if he wouldn’t check the legality of any move he made before hand. Especially given their hard on to impeach him. Why would any sane person give you ammunition, knowing you have it out for them?
It’s too bad they didn’t start impeachment proceedings a year ago. If they had, the Republicans would lose control of the House in the 2014 elections. Impeachment did wonders for Bill Clinton’s public approval ratings. Another impeachment clown show would do the same for Obama’s.
illuminate and be precise,then just STFU d—wad.
This Congress could probably pass a new Fugitive Slave Act if they could figure a way to use it to induce their base to send them money.
Wow! What a statesman like comment! Downright Churchillian!
This just in from CNN - Another CNN ORC Poll
Nearly six in 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the way the Obama administration has handled the deadly terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a new poll shows.
The issue has been a major point of attack against Hillary Clinton, who oversaw the State Department at the time and ultimately took responsibility for the safety of diplomatic personnel.
As she weighs another presidential bid, she faces continued questions and criticism from her political opponents about Benghazi. Despite the political offense mounted against her, Clinton still fares slightly better than the administration in terms of public opinion, according to the survey. Forty-three percent are satisfied with her role in the matter, while 55% have a negative view.
Sixty-one percent of Americans surveyed think the administration generally has been dishonest in providing information about Benghazi in the years since the attack.
The poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International May 29-June 1, before the rollout of Clinton’s new memoir.
Clinton’s work as Secretary of State is likely to be one of the topics of a CNN Town Hall meeting with her at 5 p.m. ET Tuesday at the Newseum in Washington.
For complete coverage of breaking news, go to CNN TV, CNN.com and CNN Mobile.
Since it takes a bare majority in the House to impeach, well, duh.
Bring it on, teabaggers.
obama-we disagree
obama-we must impeach for no reason,just because
bush=broke american and international laws
rethugs=no biggie
Of course it could pass because it’s a stupid bill for stupid people.
Responsible legislation that Americans want won’t even come up for a vote.
Me too. The obvious follow-up question would be to insist on concrete examples but they make these comments on talk radio where there is no accountability.
Please proceed, Congresman…
That read like a piece from The Onion.
Where are your Articles of Impeachment.?
Yah I thought so.
The GOP is astounding. They can’t win presidential elections anymore so they either steal them (Bush losing by 600,000 votes), impeach the last Democratic president, and are now making noises about impeaching this one.
How are the American people not scared of these fascists?
Yeah, its like the 53 votes to repeal OCare.
Based on what, specifically? Nebulous, all-encompassing Right Whinge talking points?