Discussion: GOP Rep. Faces Protests At Town Hall: 'We're Done With Thoughts And Prayers'

There’s a phrase we techies like to use that I’m sure you’ve heard: “Correlation does not imply causation”

Microeconomic issues caused by rapid regional economic growth have nothing to do with young people taking jobs in an industry that is hiring, interesting, and challenging. This should be fairly obvious.

You’re essentially blaming an entire generation for a land use problem - one created before most of them were born. You’d probably have more luck taking your issues to people with the power to do something about them. Slagging an entire industry and generation in one fell swoop? Not sure you’re hitting any targets there.

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It’s one of those blindingly stupid arguments that I can’t believe anyone would actually say, but it’s been the go-to one for years against gun restrictions. I asked someone a few years ago if we should only pass laws that criminals won’t break. His response was to sputter and then say, “What I mean is …” followed by some other nonsense.

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In response, Coffman said that laws won’t necessarily stop the next tragedy.

Really weird to see the historically Law & Order Party turn into the “Laws won’t help us” Party.

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Yeah, the same party who used to run around looking for Ruskies under everybody’s bed is all We Love Russia and Putin these days too.

The GOP went through the looking glass. They dragged us through it too but oddly, we liberals haven’t lost our bearings.


And now you see the beauty of adding work requirements to any form of assistance.

Yes, but at the same time, the USSR has been replaced by an alt-right Russia.

To jump onto @LittleGirlBlue’s thoughts,

I’ll reconsider my position opposing capital punishment as soon we have capital punishment for corporations, too.


I asked my husband, who was general counsel for a holding company and is on the board of a nonprofit if he thought LaPierre would be personally liable and he said yes, if he was the one who directed the corporation to take the money from an illegal source.


Oooh, me likey that idea.

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Why is Coffman in Congress in the first place if he doesn’t believe legislation changes anything? Oh, of course. I forgot. Like all Republicans his primary focus is transferring income and wealth from working, middle class Americans to their oligarch donor base. Silly me.


What’s going on in Texas 32nd?

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What the congressman is saying is that we should repael all laws against murder because murders will still happen.



‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Congressman in Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

I sincerely hope these f$%#ers find out that sounding like an Onion article is the kind of self parody that gets one booted out of office.


You know what will stop the next tragedy? Voting asshats like this out of office.


Sounds about right to me. When I had my company, my lawyer explained it to me as “‘Limited Liability’ doesn’t mean ‘No Liability’”.


There’s not supposed to be such a thing as No Liability really. Someone or something has to be responsible when the law is broken.

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The Ghost of Ronald Reagan itself disagrees with every modern day Repub concerning banning assault rifles.

There is more than one thing at play here. Obviously, not allowing the gun zombies to own anything they want despite the carnage is one. They also don’t want an L in any column in any fight against any thing.
One more, and this is the newest unwritten war that they are fighting, nothing matters more than sticking it to a liberal. If children are slaughtered in their pursuit, then so be it-they’ll just blame the supposedly leftist kids that weren’t wise enough to be locked and loaded at all times everywhere.

This is yet another massive problem in America that has only half of the US working on it. We Democrats carry a heavy load, including the dead weight of the right that is out of the fight.

And this is supposedly the justification for the obscene different in compensation between Management and Labor - it’s all that “risk” they’ve assumed. Time for a few folks to earn their pay…

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The Congresscritter is correct that there is no way to prevent this.

Where he goes off the rails is with the fallacious conclusion that this is reason to do nothing at all.

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That justifies nothing. It’s pure rationalization.

I have to get out in the cold and wet for an appointment. Later.

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