Hospitals, nursing homes, aides for elderly people in their homes, landscapers, construction projects, restaurants, etc. These are jobs Latinos do and are good at and whites don’t want.
The NRA is a 501©4 not-for-profit umbrella organization. It has several subsidiary not-for-profits, including a lobbying arm that also manages their PAC.
And corporations are a vehicle for shielding people from personal liability. But if LaPierre broke the law I don’t know that he’s going to be able to rely on that shield.
I wish I knew for certain but I really don’t.
they think core values are something to sell. like mining rights. top dollar!
There was a ballot measure here in CA a few years ago in which we were asked to vote on one of two choices: ban capital punishment or make changes to how soon capital punishment is administered because a wait on death row is decades long and inmates die while waiting. Guess which won.
Anyone could be good at those jobs if they had to be.
But the next election might stop Coffman.
Don’t — please do not — get me started on the death penalty.
cool. can i have a bazooka? they even named a bubble gum after it. more bang per shell. and, wow, does this ever make hunting easy.
But no one wants to be. So they don’t even consider them. They all seem to want to be techies, take a Google bus to work, build startups, and get rich quick while seated all day
Please do society a favour and call BS on yourself the next time you utter something to the effect of “kids these days”. We all do it. It is horseshit.
Simply put: the reason this shooting feels different is because a handful of normal, intelligent kids have determined that they will be the ones to make it different.
They’re pointing at the NRA - the organization which has lobbied for the right of criminals, terrorists, and the mentally ill to own weapons for years - and correctly identifying them as complicit in the murder of children. They’re challenging those who seek to discredit them directly, and forcing these scumbags back under their rocks. They’re using the media as a way of amplifying their message. They’re choosing public protests with the potential for the greatest impacts.
These kids are essentially the best hope we’ve had since Columbine.
Please note that the National Rifle Association and its affiliates include both charitable 501(c)(3) and non-charitable 501(c)(4) giving opportunities.
And, of course, we never, ever, even consider rescinding those tax cuts when those very same job creators fail to act as promised (not predicted…promised - and you’re a fool for even suggesting they might not follow the script). Never, ever!
Wonder why that is?
This congressman needs to go. He should be voted out.
Assault is is the DNA of the GOP. Assault on decency, working man, women and now open assault on children.
I’m not sure what to make of this quote, seeing as how I’m a techie, have been working for tech startups for about 12 years now, am seated 90% of the day, spend a lot of time trying to convince people (especially young girls, who have to deal with ridiculous stigma) to get into the industry, and have made a very comfortable living doing so. I’ve also personally created a dozen jobs, helped build three successful companies… and I predominantly hire kids. Kids whom, in my experience, have been far more eager to work hard than senior devs of 20 years.
Socrates, more than 2000 years ago: The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.
This critique has been around for a while. I’m not sure it’s ever been valid.
Laws against bank robberies and speeding don’t prevent those, either. Should we repeal every law that’s ever been broken?
Ooo. Ooo. I know this one!
Arm the teachers.
Arm and employ retired vets to patrol the schools.
Get rid of Gun Free School Zones.
Reduce restrictions on concealed carry. (good guy’s with guns!)
The City I call home and have for many years, San Francisco, has been changed beyond recognition by the tech industry not just in appearance but in attitude and in affordability with the influx of techies. The critique remains valid for me.
He was always right - conservatives just hate that.
I was nodding my head the very first time I heard it…it could not be more obvious.