Discussion: GOP Rep. Faces Protests At Town Hall: 'We're Done With Thoughts And Prayers'

When you put it that way it doesn’t make much sense. :smile:

Boy howdy, y’all!


Hey JLP, I see a book here: “Chicken Soup for the Pissed-Off Progressive’s Soul.”


I’ve had theory (hypothesis?) for years that in much the same way an individual in recovery can’t deal with their “stuff” until they face their shadow same with groups of individuals. Like a nation.

We have “stuff” from Civil War we’ve never dealt with (why Confederacy keeps coming back up) and long history of stuffing other things over difficult periods of our history.

I think Trump / #deplorables / GOP going full-bore American Nazi party is us as a nation collectively facing our shadow.

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Well, Australia once fought a war against Flightless Birds and LOST! And this was in spite of the fact that the Australians were armed with Machine Guns!

So really, there’s no point in passing any gun laws at all… /s

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he has challengers

lots of challengers.


"You all are the most moral generation of Americans, and just to prove it you elected a thrice divorced adulterous lying cheating failed businessman, support dumping children off insurance rolls and food programs, and want guns to be able to kill as many as possible. You are the reason God blesses America

@leftflank that pushback is already starting around me. “Godless liberalism and lax parenting is what causes school shootings, not guns!”

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Resistbot ( 50409) will text you the amount of blood money that your Senate and Congressional Reps have received from NRA. (data from CREW). They’ll even send you a twitter contact. Now get busy, no excuses.

I didn’t come here to live in Manhattan. I came here to live on hills with views of the Bay, and now have the monstrosity called the Salesforce Tower way out proportion with its surroundings to look at. My hope is it will slide into the Bay because it is build on landfill. Yeah, I have grievances about “land use.”


Three jobs are always better than one.

Then you should be angry with the people writing zoning laws. Tech workers have no say in land development.

That’s what it looks like to me, as well. The kicker might be connected to the private funding that they think will provide for these postings. I’m not sure how you can mandate something and rely on private funding to pay for it. What if the funder says “I’m not providing them to School X?” Will school districts be required to find other funders?
I’m also relatively sure that the private funder will want credit for the gift, which would suggest that students would not only have to stare at the national motto all day but also the “Courtesy of Blah and Associates” notation.

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I just retired from teaching history and government at an all-girls high school. I can attest to the connection students have to ‘the real world’ and their very strong desire to change things up. Few of the girls come from the sort of homes that it seems most of the Parkland kids do, but they are eager to engage and need just a bit of direction. I’ve mentioned this before on other topics, but I want to reaffirm on behalf of my (former) students that they do not fit the (too-common) stereotype of teens.