This was an electronic Watergate. It was illegal criminal behavior. And this guy is just fine with it? We are in big trouble.
Republicans didn’t think there was much wrong with the original Watergate.
this is a guy that says illegal hacks are good if lies were exposed. trump is the father of lies. it is what he does. compulsive liar.
I heard the interview. New York should be ashamed of this seditious piece of shit who puts party and the Russians ahead of Country. Are you happy with your performance Comrade Collins?
Oh, how sweet it will be if this turd gets his emails hacked and publicly released. Come on, Anonymous, a little help!!
Collins said that there are “people who are lying and are deceitful,” and that “the e-mails then point out the truth.”
Julian Assange is now suggesting that he would be willing to put out Trump info in the future.
Shorter Chris Collins R-NY “Sucks to be you, Go Trump!”
GOP Rep. Defends Russian Hack.
I’m reminded of something I once read:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
Of course, it came from an obscure text with which few Republicans (or corporate journalists) are familiar…
“I’m suggesting, let’s all get united behind Donald Trump and let’s move this country forward, and not continue finger pointing, suggesting somehow this election was rigged, when at worst it was the truth that came out that had an impact on the election," he said.
It can’t be both ways sir.
Either its politics or its patriotism.
And for the record, Bolton n Tillerson files are now on Wikileaks.
The arrogance is overwhelming! Then again, the only difference is they choose to flaunt their lies and deceit like a badge of honor so I guess the real critique is that dem candidates do not boast about what they really think.
So this is definitely what he was saying when the whole “grab 'em by the pussy” thing went down, right?
Fuck this guy.
Edit: And, just to clarify, that tape wasn’t obtained illegally. It was just not something that his candidate wanted released. So fuck him again.
I could get behind shooting his traitorous ass into the sun.
It’s a matter of time before stuff hacked from the GOP comes out. I hope we get picks of him in bed with a dead ferret and a prostitute.
Right, so presumably Rs would have no problem with Obama lawfully ordering the disclosure of Trump’s tax returns, since that would be at the service of the truth, not to mention reassuring all and sundry (by the Rs account) that Trump has no exposure to our whistleblowing Russian friends?
This poor bastard sees all the Cabinet positions being filled and he’s still a bridesmaid
But then he’s being partisan and clearly biased and how dare he be mean to the GOP! That’s how they operate; they’re allowed to be as slimy, deceitful, and bullying as they want to be but as soon as Dems fight back they reveal themselves to be a bunch of crybabies.
Rep. Collins is but another Republican politician who is in the pocket of a Soviet . . .oops! . . . Russian dictator.
Hey idiot, I’ll bet you’ll be singing a different tune when the Indians release the internal documents of the RNC and the French hack Pence’s webcam and leak the footage to the gossip-starved NY Times. That’s where this goes if we don’t stamp it out now - every state and non-state actor on the damn planet meddling in our elections. We’ll become the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 21st century.