Discussion: GOP Rep. Defends Email Hack For Revealing Dems' 'Lies And Deceit'

The emails did not reveal anything about the Dems, other than that they are humans with human foibles of gossip and snark. Now, as to the Republicans and their indifference to theft, treachery, interference with elections, conflicts of interest, possible collusion between the incoming chief executive and a longstanding national adversary, etc., etc., etc, well, quite a bit has been revealed and its a monstrous scandal of Constitutional proportions.


Yes, the metaphorical double-edged sword. Unfortunately “we the people” have stuck our necks out where we shouldn’t have. Come January I think many a blue collar white worker will be regretting that choice.


This is so fucking funny: ““I’m suggesting, let’s all get united behind Donald Trump and let’s move
this country forward, and not continue finger pointing, suggesting
somehow this election was rigged, when at worst it was the truth that
came out that had an impact on the election,” he said."

Tell me they don’t know how unpopular this entire just elected government is. They know!!!


Putin won’t want to be encumbered by the useful idiot forever, but the difference is Trump would not waver in ordering a drone strike on the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

@clearwater Dig? More like time to put on the hip waders.


Certainly sounds like an invitation for some enterprising young reporter to dig through this guy’s dirt.


There is no need to be polite to people like this, or even to consider them loyal Americans. Here’s what I just posted to Facebook:

Chris Collins’ email won’t accept any messages from people outside NY District 27. I know because I tried.

So, if you live in his district, you might want to thank him for confirming to whose system of government he owes his loyalty.

And, of course, if you want to let his staff know what you think of him, not as an approving constituent, but as an actual American, you can always call them at 202-225-5265.

As I just did.

And as you might want to do as well.


I bow in your direction: (-.-) (_ _) (-.-) - Bravo!

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Thank you. We’re all in the same leaky lifeboat, and we’re all going to have to row together to make it to the shore


Wow! Shocking! This is further proof the Rethuglican Party places “their Party” over country! What he espoused should be considered treasonous.

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I remember when Republicans used to lecture other Americans about patriotism. I guess with the Republican embrace of Putin’s Russia, the scoundrels now no longer needs to use patriotism as their last refuge.


Yes, indeed, the election was tainted but it didn’t affect me or my politicheskaya partiya, er, Republican party. Where did that come from, he asks.


Yes they’ve moved that goalpost to Russia so I guess now it’s Putin is the last refuge of scoundrels.

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When trying to catch that bouquet, maybe he should jump a lil higher


Will it be on PPV?


And who you schtuping on the side asshole? Bet she’s younger than you and proly works for ya. Call Newt Gingrich right now. You need an intervention immediately. Immediately!

Lies and deceit, all right. St. Ronnie is spinning in his grave.


HAHAHAHAHA…‘but OUR lies and deceit were done for your own damn good! We stopped that Corrupt Hillary with the help of our good friend Putin!’ Blind, partisan AND stupid. A trifecta.


Where is Joe McCarthy ÂŽ when his country really needs him? Really! Where!?


A real patriot, this asshole!

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In short, this country was in was in danger of a fair election, and Mrs. Clinton was on the verge of winning. Only the Russians could have saved us and they did, thank God! Anyway, let’s move on, 'cause we got some really neat stuff planned for all you good folk!