Discussion: GOP Rep. Blasts Trump For Ending DACA After Saying He’d Show ‘Great Heart’

But, but…if Donald Trump had served in Vietnam, he might have been killed. And then who would we have to make our country great again? After all, only he can fix it, right?


I really hate how the term amnesty gets misinterpreted and abused. DACA nor any proposed immigration reform is providing citizenship free and clear. The DACA folks are granted work permits after they submit paperwork i.e. pay stubs, school records etc. The few times in US history where amnesty was granted was in 1986 after the immigration act there were 3 million granted full amnesty and in the 1940’s 500k Italians.


Unfortunately, they are a self-imposed malignancy.

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Evidently Rep.Ros-Lehtinen did not realize that :
a) Trump is a habitual liar; and
b) Trump has no concern for anyone but himself.
The PO–S is missing the compassion gene. He is incapable of empathy. No heart, no brain, no courage.


“…Repugnicans need to step up and save our nation…”


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Our neighbor of many years did exactly this in WWII. He joined the Navy and learned to speak English. He brought his guitar on board his assigned ship and sang for his crewmates while cruising the Pacific and engaging the Japanese. After the war he brought his young wife to Texas where they had two darling children. They later moved to California. By the time I knew him, he was retired and building their dream home next to ours. Our kids considered them to be a third set of grandparents. Our dog was bilingual because Rafael loved him. We were always grateful that Rafael and his family found a way to immigrate and along the way enrich our lives.


When it comes down to brass tacks …

Anything that has even a slight possibly of increasing the democratic vote base … is a big red for R’s ----

If the R’s can (albeit doubtful), come together and do anything to help daca remain in place … it will just be a diversionary tactic and intended to be temporary —

Kick the can down the road song … (cue the music) … :notes:


Trump has shot up 4 points in two days on Gallup.
Is this a trend? Did that pathetic trip to Houston boost his ratings?
The Marching Morons might have been impressed.

‘45’ supposedly ran, because he thought that the Reince commissioned autopsy was horse sh–.

That supposed six month delay trigger is the temporary measure and if Kelly still keeps with the notion that DACA cant be defended in court…

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Wait awhile…

Now its possible for him to get 40+% before week’s end, but its equally possible for him to lose that four point gain, before midweek.

(edited/covering my a–)

prolly…but it could also be the Trump era base ‘coming home’ after his C-ville comments.


I expect some rallying around the flag over the troubles with North Korea, also.


Funny how republicans reps from the states of Arkansas, Idaho, Texas, W. Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama are all quiet…


and I tell em to go for it…

maybe he will luck up and unexpectedly turn the Democrats into the Federalists. However, it will be equally interesting to see how many blind eyes did he turn, as it relates to his Chinese properties/trademarks.

While ‘45’ is a popular executive among modern day Republicans, he’s still a very unpopular one with the rest of Americans.


He reminds me of those creepy people who are about to get evicted from a house or apartment for non-payment of rent, so they punch holes in the walls, destroy the carpet, and leave as big a mess as they can. It’s not as if they are losing the security deposit. He may be trying to do as much harm as possible before he gets drummed out.


Get a load of KAC on Trump’s traits!! When spinning becomes cuckoo!!

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This is just another self inflicted disaster the GOP had created. If they gave one iota about these people they would given them a path to legal immigration when Obama was in office but their hatered of him and others stopped them from doing their jobs. Now they are on tv pretending to care about what happens to these people

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I think this is sort of like the failed senate bill to repeal Obamacare: “We can do this [and pander to our base] because sane people will prevent it from ever taking effect.” Fortunately, three GOP senators said “Wait; you’re relying on a Republican controlled House to act sanely?”

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Good lord. What drugs does she do?

Donnie believes he should receive letters written with such fawning deference.

Republicans can’t get anything substantial passed. Over the next 6+ months, Trump will bash Republican congressmen to a bloody mess and promoting primary opponents. The GOP paid for a ride on the Trumptanic. Now they all sink to the bottom of the Trump swamp together.