Discussion: GOP Leaders Bear-Hug The Trump Immigration Plan As Negotiations Sputter

Though a key provision in the deal cut in the Senate to end the government shutdown was a promise from GOP leaders to hold a vote on an immigration deal whether President Trump supports it or not, Republicans now say that they are “by definition” working off the President’s framework.

“By definition”?

Well, what do you know; they’re right!


These Republicans are so spineless and more importantly, deceitful to their own constituents on such a regular basis. It can’t be repeated enough unfortunately. They stand for nothing but policies based on ridiculous falsehoods and bigotry. Their greatest fear seems to be disagreeing with a failed real estate ‘mogul’ who regularly bankrupted his own businesses and wormed his way into the Oval Office because their own fear is they’ll get labeled with some childish moniker like Crazy Cornyn or McKnownothing McCarthy by that Moron-in-Chief.

The public already sees through their pliant suckitude. Ironically, they have to fight against the insane propaganda machine they themselves helped to create over the years like Faux News and Brietbart if they fail to tow the party line. There are no profiles in courage out of the entire bunch of GOPers these days…not even the ones facing retirement. History will not speak well of any of these people.


OT…but I looked up Jill McCabe in lieu of trump’s rude remark to Andrew McCabe regarding her run for VA state house in 2015:

  1. The incumbent she ran against is named Dick Black.
  2. Dick Black’s office is in the Pocahontas building in Richmond, VA.
    Doesn’t get weirder than that!

Also too: A twitter post from her campaign has a photo of her finding a lost dog while canvassing so she stopped to call the owners and returned the pup. I’d vote for her for that alone.

  1. I’m going to look for Andrew to be someone trump wished he didn’t fuck with .

I think he has picked the wrong agency to fuck with.
They have the goods on Trump and his Collection of grifting douchebags
If he fires Rothenstein and then Mueller there will be a Tsunami of incriminating documents “Leaked”
I know Comey is sitting in the wings just waiting soon to be joined by McCabe
The FBI has always put country above all else and they will not let this stand


I wonder if Rosenstein has already signed off on any impeachment/indictment paperwork that Mueller needs. Can he do that? I don’t know. But I would think that if they haven’t yet, they’re doing it quietly now. But actually, I think it’s already done. At least I hope so.

late: ummmmmm…not so sure Hoover was a country first kind of guy but I get your point and think that the FBI is on the side of the nation at large (except maybe Guilliani’s NY office - and even them now) at this time in history simply because they don’t want to end up becoming the PBI…Putin’s Bureau of Investigation.



Though a key provision in the deal cut in the Senate to end the government shutdown was a promise from GOP leaders to hold a vote on an immigration deal whether President Trump supports it or not, Republicans now say that they are “by definition” working off the President’s framework.

So much for that.


Strange brand of freedom these Republicans are peddling, this right to work for low wages and no benefits until we die. The plan is to kick out and wall off the people who actually want to.


Pffffft…you knew that was going to happen.

Even chaos can be predictable at this point.

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You know what I mean
Unlike those who are actively working with the Russians or turning a blind eye for personal gain


Well, I did, and so did you, perhaps, but where now are the defenders of the “deal” that Schumer accepted?

I await the next cheerful report of “bipartisan bonhomie” in the Senate.


Certainly I knew what you meant: The FBI, at this moment, are the good guys in the battle against Trump’s perfidy and criminality.

But from my perspective the FBI has not always been a force for good. There have been entire periods of our history when the agency was used to suppress freedom — just the way Trump would be using it now if he had his druthers.

What will the FBI be once Trump is done with it? This is a question that should worry us all.


The GOP has been bear hugging Trump all along. The have embraced every policy decision Trump has made. They have circled the wagons, and obstructed justice. And why not there are no legal punishments.

We will just have to kick their asses in 2018.


I think there are enough dedicated individuals who will persevere.
They will not succumb to the petulant manchild and his band of enablers


This legislation is Schumer’s real test. If he caves on the poison pills that President Kelly includes in this “DACA” bill, he will lose the momentum from the shutdown and the backing of Democrats at the grassroots. It’s infuriating enough that the DCCC is refusing to meet with candidates who aren’t self-financing. Dozens of progressives will go into primaries despising the party “leadershop” as they have experienced it. If Schumer trades away DACA for a wall and bans on family reunification and refugee sanctuary, he will be inviting Dem candidates to run aganst their own party. And they will. It’s of a piece with the political realignment the 2016 campaign exposed.

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I don’t get it. What is so wrong with amnesty?

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Well that Commie Ronald Regan did it…
Oh wait…


As with everything in the immigration debate, the Republicans are intent on fixing non-existent “problems” that resonate with the feelings of grievance promoted by the conservative media to their poor white base. On the other hand Democrats are also fixated on the issues finding resonance among their slightly more affluent white base.

With both sides playing to their respective bases it is hard to imagine them coming to any compromise that really solves anybody’s problems. The DACA kids are in real trouble.

The conservative media has effectively sold the notion that Reagan’s amnesty lead directly to a giant waive of Mexicans storming America’s southern boarder. I don’t know if it did or not, but that is what the poor white Republican base deeply believes. The problem is we have millions of illegals filling important jobs in the economy who are going to be lost if we don’t give them amnesty. We are doing nothing to train or encourage poor white Republicans to fill those jobs.

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